Major need of prayers and well wishes

I'll send my thoughts for you and your family. I'm sorry about your loss. :hug:

When we went out to get some fresh air last night some one took Markie's wedding band off of his cold dead finger! I am sorry but a person that calls themselves a family member or a friend would not do that. A staff member called the police and all the counties that people lived in have their eyes out at all the pawn shops. They think one of the 3 step siblings did it for drug money or something, we don't know but we will find out. Her wedding band is identical except smaller so they took a picture of it along with the report and if they pawn it they will get arrested. If they did it for a keepsake I hope they feel guilty enough at some point and return it. Other news, they aren't ruling it a suicide just yet, they didn't find gunshot residue on his hands and there were other people around that night. They are thinking one of the guys had the gun in his hand and was trying to shoot it up in the air and pulled too soon winding up hitting Markie, we will find out, I just know it wasn't a suicide by him playing Russian roulette like she was first told. Christy did so very well, I am so proud of her! She was tired and the baby girl was kicking like crazy not letting anyone forget she was there. I felt like a sore thumb, I didn't know anyone except Christy, her parents and brother , just her immediate family. the boys did great too, I am so proud to call them family, Nathaniel and Aaron are really going to grow up to be good guys. Aaron kept asking a lot of questions but not in the line a normal 3 year old would ask, he was very interested in everything and he talked to his mom and soothed her and he was just a good boy. Nathaniel was being so quiet, I didn't know what to do, I held his hand at times, and at others I would hug him and ask him if he would be my boyfriend and acted silly with him, he seemed to like the fact he got the chance to smile. He got sick last night, he was throwing up in the parking lot but today he felt better. he played with some other kids that wee at the church and he was just his mommas little man.
When we went out to get some fresh air last night some one took Markie's wedding band off of his cold dead finger! I am sorry but a person that calls themselves a family member or a friend would not do that. A staff member called the police and all the counties that people lived in have their eyes out at all the pawn shops. They think one of the 3 step siblings did it for drug money or something, we don't know but we will find out. Her wedding band is identical except smaller so they took a picture of it along with the report and if they pawn it they will get arrested. If they did it for a keepsake I hope they feel guilty enough at some point and return it. Other news, they aren't ruling it a suicide just yet, they didn't find gunshot residue on his hands and there were other people around that night. They are thinking one of the guys had the gun in his hand and was trying to shoot it up in the air and pulled too soon winding up hitting Markie, we will find out, I just know it wasn't a suicide by him playing Russian roulette like she was first told. Christy did so very well, I am so proud of her! She was tired and the baby girl was kicking like crazy not letting anyone forget she was there. I felt like a sore thumb, I didn't know anyone except Christy, her parents and brother , just her immediate family. the boys did great too, I am so proud to call them family, Nathaniel and Aaron are really going to grow up to be good guys. Aaron kept asking a lot of questions but not in the line a normal 3 year old would ask, he was very interested in everything and he talked to his mom and soothed her and he was just a good boy. Nathaniel was being so quiet, I didn't know what to do, I held his hand at times, and at others I would hug him and ask him if he would be my boyfriend and acted silly with him, he seemed to like the fact he got the chance to smile. He got sick last night, he was throwing up in the parking lot but today he felt better. he played with some other kids that wee at the church and he was just his mommas little man.

Now I understand what is happening so that you can clarify what is going on at the incident. This is terrible of the person who is your cousin could have been murder or accidently shot Markie. I am sorry this happen and there is no way to turn the clock back and not let it happen to him. I am soo sorry that you have lost Markie. Please give my condolence to his family. The way you mention about his family is really a good family. Rest in Peace, Markie. :hug:
Am adding you and your family to my list of those in need of prayers. So sorry for this terrible tragedy.
I pray for you i forgive you to god. i wish be encourage to you support to you. I am happy to try be positive.;...I am sorry about to you are okay don't worry I forgive you iam pray for you okay