

New Member
Nov 11, 2014
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Just wondering who else has went to a mainstream school like me. What were your experiences? I've managed to make mostly A's and a few B's. I feel like I had to teach myself a lot of the time though. There have always been some teachers that I can't hear in class. I just sit there staring at the wall the whole time because I get bored. Then I read the textbook and teach myself the material. It works well because I make mostly A's. Anyone else have this experience with mainstreaming?
It's very common..... You are eligible for accomondations etc, so that you wouldn't have to work so hard to learn. One option is a regional dhh program, which is housed at a hearing school, but it offers dhh specialized accomondations, and a mass of dhh peers. That way you'd have the best of both worlds, and wouldn't need to work so hard!
Mainstreamed here and my experience is exactly like yours. It sucked big time.
Mainstreamed also-- in the days before ADA and the other legislation before that that slips my mind. My experience was pretty much the same as yours.. at one point I tried to use a tape recorder in high school- that failed miserably. I got mostly Bs and Cs with an A scattered here and there (not many). No idea if I could have done better if I had accommodations or knew ASL back then... it's possible.
Mainstreamed here too, had interpreter and note takers for my classes. Gotten A's and B's.
Me, as well. Mainstreamed from 1990-2000, and I did pretty well in Grades 3-5, but Grades 6-7 were my best years, as I finished 2nd in Social Sciences for the award that year (1996) but won it the following year (1997). Afterwards, I didn't do as well.
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I hate being mainstreamed as I was forced without ASL interpreters and accommodations which were back in the 1955 to 1966. I did not do well with my grades (no A and B). I did tried to read books but that was not helpful. I get lost a lot of feedback on what the teachers and students were talking about. Lipreading was not easy.

I had dreamed of attending the Deaf school which I did visit when I was a teenager. I liked the Deaf school campus. But the Superintendent told my mother that I am too bright and was afraid that I would finish with flying colors (meaning getting A+ and B+). He would rather have me stay in the mainstream school. I was so upset on what he told my mother on that. Oh, I hate mainstream schools with a passion. UGH!!!! :mad:
when first went deaf within 3yr period I was told help my confidence do A'LEVEL in uk it means advanced subject I did that and met young Deaf girl who had terp I sat with them both and greatly help me..she went mainstream hence she had to go college further education to get her academic subjects...I saw many disabled at further education so I guess academic subjects in some schools was not good and cause of much bitterness in deaf students with good reason and took an extra two years get to university
Combination of special program, home schooling , and mainstreaming.

I didn't fit in in any...
do any of us fit anything,i on epilepsy forum and parents of DOWN'S kids..make one group happy at expense of another group no winners plus expenses who pays ;health social education. finance is important issue as ask myself billians of £ spent landing on rock in space to find out who we are.Education wonderful thing used wisely:hmm:
Mainstreamed full time 2001-2006 in high school.... it was okay but I did have a Communication Support Worker so really learning came from them in the class rather than the teacher. We just stayed in our little group... Was mainstreamed in all classes except PE which included swimming(ridiculous)

I will NEVER forgot that time where I was asked to INTERPRET to and for my deaf classmate by a newbie CSW... I was a teen not an adult...
Swimming in PE?! Ohhh I wish I had that lmao but that would have been a challenge for me as unaided I am completely deaf and my vision was pretty much.. blind (long before lens implants came along). I still swam on the summer swim team though :)