Madden 09 ideas.


New Member
Jul 19, 2008
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Well, I have came across to the ideas what to do with it. But firstly, I need all of you to let me know who have madden 09 and that can get live.

We will be doing a alldeaf tournament on madden 09! Yes, that's right. It does sound good. It has to be teams. Example, myself and my friend vs yourself and your friend. And then let's see who will win all against other teams on here.

It's just for fun. Now, start posting in here and say that you want in.

A tournament will be like this -

But I'll be making my own one.

We can pick three people as well. Three is better than two. Example, yourself, and your friend 1, and friend 2 vs myself, my friend 1, and my friend 2.

Again, to join in this tournament. There's rules on this, you must be active to where you can be online while they are online to play against each others. I will schedule the date and the time for both teams. Or ask both teams what time they think it's for the best.

I repeat, if you want to join this fun. Just say you are in, I'll give this couple weeks and after 2 weeks are here. I will go through you all and settle yourself a team with two people that posted in here.

Another rule, if you lost a connection on xbox 360. We are require to pause and invite him/her back in the game and if he/she don't come back then it is a forfeit!

So, be absolutely sure that you got a good connection and have a better chance of not getting disconnect.


I need one volunteer to help me gathering people in here and discussing about a schedule. A volunteer must have yahoo or msn to get online so we can discuss about it.:cool: