Lucia Disturbed - seeking information on her death

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Aug 17, 2015
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I have known Lucia since 1998. I used to hang out with Lucia in Milwaukee, and we did things together around town until she moved out of state. We continued our friendship via IP Relay, AIM, Yahoo, and MSN messenger for a good nine years. Then, life threw me a curve ball, and I had lost touch with Lucia.

I was referred to this site from another site that Lucia was active in.

I'm looking for someone who can tell me more about Lucia's death. I'm also looking for someone who knows how I can get in touch with Lucia's sister. I've never met Lucia's sister; however, I'm sure Lucia had mentioned me to her sister.

If anyone knows how to get in touch with Lucia's sister, could you please tell her that Lon would like to speak with her. She might remember me best if you mention Erin as well.

I hope to get your responses soon, and much thanks !

She is looking for Lucia's sister and I am not sure why the OP is so sure Lucia talked about her to her sister. I would think if this was true the sister would had tried to find the OP to tell her about Lucia's tragic death. I personally feel the OP should let Lucia RIP and her sister may not want to talk about this .
She is looking for Lucia's sister and I am not sure why the OP is so sure Lucia talked about her to her sister. I would think if this was true the sister would had tried to find the OP to tell her about Lucia's tragic death. I personally feel the OP should let Lucia RIP and her sister may not want to talk about this .

I think you should butt out of this.

You have no way of knowing if Lucia had talked to the OP about her sister. Her sister may not have had contact information for the OP in order to reach him about Lucia's death.

Hopefully someone here will have some information they can pass on to the OP - I'm sorry I don't.
I think you should butt out of this.

You have no way of knowing if Lucia had talked to the OP about her sister. Her sister may not have had contact information for the OP in order to reach him about Lucia's death.

Hopefully someone here will have some information they can pass on to the OP - I'm sorry I don't.

You don't even know what you're talking about ! :roll:
The OP said Lucia's sister would know them b/c Lucia talked about the OP to her 'sister. The OP could try to find the obituary they some time have the full names of the family members left behind . Then do a search for the sister . There was thread made by Lucia b/f after she dies that might had some info on it.
And you know? Ok.

That was exactly why the OP came here looking for info. Because apparently he couldn't find it. In a time of grief, not every family member remembers to contact everyone.

Let it be.
And you know? Ok.

That was exactly why the OP came here looking for info. Because apparently he couldn't find it. In a time of grief, not every family member remembers to contact everyone.

Let it be.

Yeah, plus I highly doubt there's anything amongst us that would be harmful to divulge....right?
She is looking for Lucia's sister and I am not sure why the OP is so sure Lucia talked about her to her sister. I would think if this was true the sister would had tried to find the OP to tell her about Lucia's tragic death. I personally feel the OP should let Lucia RIP and her sister may not want to talk about this .
Lucia still could have mentioned him 'in passing' or talking about her online forums or activities to her sister. How much I don't know (and isn't my business.. just like it isn't yours). I don't think the sister would have tried to go hunting down EVERY friend of Lucia's to tell them of her death- be a little realistic here (case in point- I didn't even know about my one of my closest friend's brother's death until 2 years later... explain that please WDYS... and yes she had my contact info).

The OP said Lucia's sister would know them b/c Lucia talked about the OP to her 'sister. The OP could try to find the obituary they some time have the full names of the family members left behind . Then do a search for the sister . There was thread made by Lucia b/f after she dies that might had some info on it.
And how would you know that the OP didn't try to search for the obituary. I suspect he did try to look for it but was unsuccessful in finding anything. if I recall Lucia passed away more than 5 years ago- online obituaries were not as common as they are now.
So in this case seems to me you are the one who has no idea what you are talking about. (not that it matters regarding what posts she sees...)

As for "looking for jeff" and now looking for Lucia... I think they're two different people (if I am remembering that there was somebody else looking for a Jeff here before) and even if it is, why does it really matter??
you were looking for jeff and now lucia?

No, I'm not looking for Jeff. It's just that Lucia's death reminded me of Jeff's death. He too was found a week after his death. That's why I chose whereisjeff as my username for It was also my AIM username when I messaged with Lucia after Jeff's death.

I'm just looking to find out more about Lucia's death, such as I would like to know what happened to her cats Leo and Jasmine.

Thanks for responding !
And you know? Ok.

That was exactly why the OP came here looking for info. Because apparently he couldn't find it. In a time of grief, not every family member remembers to contact everyone.

Let it be.

This is not a family member was a friend of Lucia . I happen to think it's odd wanting to know about person death from a family member ! I sure would not like someone trying to find me to know more about mother's death .
[Removed Link]

That's how he found me on deviantART. He was confused that "she's" logged in when he thought she's still alive until he saw my RIP comment on Lucia's profile. I had to look in their conservation and confirmed it's not real Lucia but it's imposer/hacker.

EDIT: And I'm pretty sure that she's really gone. Someone can confirm it.

EDIT II: Add more clarity.

EDIT III: Resolved.
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whereisjeff - Please check your inbox on deviantART. I apologized to not see this thread sooner. I had to do something this morning. Now I have time to do so now...
I started this thread because I would like to know the outcome of Lucia's cats Leo and Jasmine, and I would like to know how her significant other is doing. Lucia talked often about her sister and her fiancé to me. However, I have never met her sister nor have I met her fiancé, so, therefore, no contact information was ever exchanged between us. So, there was possibly no way for either of them to contact me to inform me of her death. And, the way I finally found out about her death was when I googled her alias name. I landed on a site where a comment was made about Lucia's death. I contacted that person, and she sent me a link to alldeaf, and she suggested that I might have better luck finding someone who could tell me more about Lucia's death if I were to start a thread here on alldeaf.

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my thread.
Okay. But, I assure you it's not that "Lucia". :( I don't know if anybody can show you some more information. That's all I can do. I'm really sorry.

I think it's time to let this thread go for now. Nobody like to open wounds up again about someone's death.
What about Oceanbreeze; is she still a member here?
This is not a family member was a friend of Lucia . I happen to think it's odd wanting to know about person death from a family member ! I sure would not like someone trying to find me to know more about mother's death .

Then you live in an unreal world. I did not say this was a family member. I said sometimes family members do not think to contact everyone (whether they are family and especially if they are not family) in times of grief. It is not a surprise to anyone here that this OP may not have been contacted at that time, especially if they did not have contact info. It's rather sad that if someone knew your mom and did not know of her passing and wanted to ask about it and gets berated about instead from you.
Closing this thread.
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