Looking For Mystery Science Theater 3000 Lovers (mst3k) Who Need Captions


New Member
Apr 9, 2016
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A few years ago, an acquaintance started putting together a project of love for his spouse, who was a non-native American with English as her second language. He was a huge lover of MST3K (Mystery Science Theater 3000) and found it sad that she was unable to sit and enjoy the episodes with him, so he started captioning the episodes for her so she could follow along. Naturally, she's now a fan :)

Eventually, he started discussing the project with other people, who reminded him that not only was his project a great idea for those who didn't speak English as a first language, but of course, those who used captions for a myriad of other reasons.

So he started posting them online. He now has eleven episodes posted. He gets a lot of lovely comments from those who have been looking for something like this for a long time. I only recently got on board with this project, and as part of it, I offered to try to reach out into the community and find people who would enjoy watching the show as much as we do.

They can be found at You Tube under "MST3K Captions". there is a short video among the episodes that shows how much more detailed his captions are vs. the std. two line yellow. I think that you will agree that his are a vast improvement on the "old fashioned" way.