Looking for a friend


New Member
Mar 3, 2014
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I'm learning asl to become an interpreter and I need some real practice if I'm gonna succeed. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me out. Females preferably because, seeing as how I'm a girl I can relate better. But guys are welcome too within limits.
I'm Kimmy by the way. :)
Sorry, I do not have time for this.

By the way, :welcome: to alldeaf.
:welcome: and good luck with your interpreting goals. :)
:welcome: I'm female, however I do not have the time to sit and chat to someone to help them brush up on their ASL and correct them every other word or so. I think your better bet it to approach the thread we have out here for students that says "Students looking for ASL buddies." Try that route...

Not sure why you couldn't sign with a male... I sometimes think I relate better with some men than I do women... :hmm:
First familiarize yourself with any forum if you expect results. Also real practice is going to include males. Try to be more direct, your future clients will thank you.

Good luck and :welcome:
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Hey my name is Madison.. I want to be an interpreter too. I would be interested in practicing asl with you. What level are you?