LOOk what i make

wow, it's very beautiful creative, you made. I like it alot and would love to have more snow flakes decoration like this but I only have 2...

One from my young son who made when he was 5 years old at kindergarten and one from my co-worker for X-mas gift at 3 years ago.
Kateweb said:
how bout a trade I could croshet a scarf for you , and you could make a cupple star flakes ?? :dance:
it would be nice but i can send u an email how to make the snowflakes if u wants
Wow, That is a beautiful thing to see! Have you thought about putting your talent up to use?
RosesNY said:
I make beads snow flake

Now, you got my mouth watering. They're sooo beautiful. I hope you will treasure 'em forever. They look lovely. ;)