Lonely Zookeeper Kicks out Cheater


New Member
Feb 27, 2006
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For those of you not following the other thread I am suddenly single. There was one to many people in my marriage. I kicked him to the curb. Why do people have to be so mean? I was so good to him. I was practically his slave. He constantly told me how he didn't mind my age and he didn't mind me carrying a couple extra pounds after the kids. Now he leaves me for a girl his own age and skinny. He always told me he didn't like makeup and didn't want me to wear any. He said he liked the "Farm Girl" type. Last night he had the BALLS to tell me I never dressed up for him. Which isn't even true even though he told me not to. I so much want to call his work and get them both fired for dating at work! I can't do that though because I can't support my kids alone.

Screaming into the night,

First of all, I want to give you big :hug:...I hate to see you going through this painful experience and Im so sorry about your situation...

For those of you not following the other thread I am suddenly single.
Yea, Ive been updating read your other thread...

There was one to many people in my marriage.
What do you mean by that?

I kicked him to the curb.
Good for you! Im proud of you for kicked him to the curb! He deserves to be kicked! ;)

Now he leaves me for a girl his own age and skinny. He always told me he didn't like makeup and didn't want me to wear any.
Are you older than him? or younger than him? Is this the same girl he has been spending the night with? I think he is making lame excuses for saying blah blah about makeup, etc...

I so much want to call his work and get them both fired for dating at work! I can't do that though because I can't support my kids alone.
If I were you, I would call his work and get them both fired! Look, you dont have to tell the boss your name...you could use vp and tell relay not to mention your name and not to mention relay service...just let this operator talk to boss without boss knowing its relay service...Ive done that before...:giggle:

Or..you could use tdd and tell relay operator not to mention its relay service and for this person to talk with boss without boss knowing its you...Ive done that many times...

Supposed if your hubby gets fired from his job...he will go to jail if he doesnt support your kids! There is always another job for him to find!

I wouldnt be afraid to call his boss! :whistle:
I'm so sorry that you are going thru such an awful situation. :(

I'm praying for you and the kids.

Just remember, whatever Mr. Z did or continues to do isn't because of you but because of his own weaknesses and moral failures. He might try to blame you or make excuses but he is wrong.

God bless you,
Reba :hug:
Good job on recognizing HIS problem. Now, you have to REMEMBER that he is this way and WON'T change. You have to remind yourself what caused you to discontinue the relationship in the first place. And, no matter how lonely you may get or how much he tries to place the blame on you, do NOT NOT NOT go back or you will be right back in the same position (no matter how much he may promise to change). This is the beginning of a new life for you. I suggest you sit down and write out a contract for future relationships. Include what you are looking for in a man and what you will not tolerate in a relationship. Put down the good, the bad, and the ugly. This way, you may be able to avoid falling into the same pattern again. We tend to ignore a man's short-comings due to our rose-colored glasses (love-blinders). However, sooner or later we will start seeing a man for what he truly is. It's best not to let a relationship get that far in the first place. If you know what to look for in the beginning, then you may not let yourself get hooked into another bad situation. People may mistake you for a "slut" (I got that a lot when I was dating), but who cares what they think? If you realize a guy isn't for you, you are only doing yourself a favor by not prolonging the inevitable. The moment you think to yourself "I dont like this" then it's time to RUN. There IS someone out there who will love you for who you are, will respect you, and will treat you the way you deserve to be treated, and WON'T even think about ruining what you have by cheating on you. He's out there, but you may have to kiss a LOT of frogs before you find your prince charming.
Good for you, zoo! You just lost 200 lbs of baggage!
He sounds like he's controlling and you do not need someone to tell you how to do things.. or to be on a mind trip.

Eve, excellent advice.
By to many people in marriage I mean he's cheating. Yes it's the same girl. I'm 36 and he's 29.
Liza, yes he's always on a power trip and he's worse now that he's in corrections. He just got on sort which is a swat team and now he's really high and mighty. Well, miss **** can deal with that now.
Thanks to everyone at alldeaf for your love and support. I will get through this. No man is worth destroying yourself over. Yes, I loved him and I really hoped I was wrong, but I've loved before and when I'm ready I'll love again. Right now I'm going to love my 3 kids to pieces!
zookeeper4321 said:
Thanks to everyone at alldeaf for your love and support. I will get through this. No man is worth destroying yourself over. Yes, I loved him and I really hoped I was wrong, but I've loved before and when I'm ready I'll love again. Right now I'm going to love my 3 kids to pieces!

I know I havent said much in this thread or any others HOWEVER, I am senting you E-healing spirits your way and seeing that your gonna be alright :)

Hang in there.
I had fun today. Mr. Z came to pick up his clothes and he still can't see from his surgery (He had Lasik), so the female friend had to drive him to my house. I knew she was bringing him so I doused myself in perfume. She was waiting for him at the shopping center. I kept him here as long as I could and when he left I gave him a big hug and kissed his neck and got perfume and lipstick all over him. Let her worry for a change. I'm such a b***ch
Oh my, oh my, oh my goodness. What have you gotten into yourself lately. :giggle: Trying to make this lady jealous.

zookeeper4321 said:
I had fun today. Mr. Z came to pick up his clothes and he still can't see from his surgery (He had Lasik), so the female friend had to drive him to my house. I knew she was bringing him so I doused myself in perfume. She was waiting for him at the shopping center. I kept him here as long as I could and when he left I gave him a big hug and kissed his neck and got perfume and lipstick all over him. Let her worry for a change. I'm such a b***ch
:( Zookeeper4321, I am so sorry that you had to go through this. Didn't the vows he take mean anything to him? I guess not!!! You did the right thing, because your life, and your children's life are very important now. Age doesn't mean a thing, but, I guess to some people they do after a while. I am 5 years older than my husband, it did bother him at first, but, realized it's the love that counts. I pray that everyday will be a good day for you, because after all, you truly deserve it. Allow life to be good to you and your children.

Good retalliation with your husband, now let's see how he explained this to his unmentionable company. Try your best to move on, and let him know that you don't need him, that you can rely on yourself to be the person that you truly should be, and pat yourself on the back for making the right decision for you and your children. I wish you the best of luck for a great future!!!! :hug: :hug: