LOL what a retard....

dead money

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Jun 12, 2008
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Man Almost Loses Penis Humping Steel Bench

Last night in Hong Kong, the police received a disturbing call from a man in trouble.

Xing, a 41 year-old man, was calling from LanTian park in the middle of the night. The lonely and disturbed man had apparently thought it would be fun to have sex with one of the steel sit-up benches around the park.

The bench has numerous small holes in it, which Xing used to attempt to satisfy himself. However, once he became aroused he found that he was stuck and could not get his penis out of the small hole.

He panicked and called the police to help him.

When police arrive they found Xian stuck face down where he had been stuck for some time.

When doctors arrived on the scene they tried to release some of the pressure by removing some of his blood, but the penis was so swollen that they ended up having to cut the entire bench free and take it, with Xian attached, to the hospital.

4 painful hours later, Doctors finally separated Xian from his bench.

Doctors stated that if he had been stuck for even an hour longer, they would have had to remove his penis.

There's a video of the rescue at the site.

Man Almost Loses Penis Humping Steel Bench | Weird Asia News

Oh, boy :lol: He is lucky this time. There won't be lucky next time for him, if he attempts again. Steel bench has taught him good. :giggle:
What's with these men? Someone has sex with his bike, has sex with a picnic table and now this? :eek3:
Well, we men are like dogs. The doggies do hump on human's leg, hump on shoes, etc. That's why we are just like dogs!
What's with these men? Someone has sex with his bike, has sex with a picnic table and now this? :eek3:

Isnt it scary you can sit down look around and after reading this shit kinda guess someone has a sexual perversion with something thats within your eyesight? lol
Isnt it scary you can sit down look around and after reading this shit kinda guess someone has a sexual perversion with something thats within your eyesight? lol

And if a mess was made on these items or not. EWWWW!
Hell, why didn't they show him a pic of his grandma? Thats one hell of a way to go limp fast! LOL
should have made a fifi bag
I think they should have made him stay there until he went limp, let him die of his own embarrassment and he will learn, having sex with inanimate objects is generally a REALLY bad idea, usually those that have holes and are NOT made for sexual pleasure!
I dont see any video...?

Anyway, thats definetly fu**ed up.