Live Coverage

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Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
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Anyone watched the Live coverage of President Bush tonight? The major point of the topic was about Social Security, I don't understand why reporters asking questions that's not even related to social security, They asked questions related to Iraq. Are you sick of hearing about Iraq all the time? It's like a repeating old broken record., I wish that Iraq issue was never been brought up that has nothing to do with Social Security. :ugh:
I have notice that too.. i was thinking of have my own tv new cast.... anyone wanna to be the anchor?? :D
Cheri said:
Anyone watched the Live coverage of President Bush tonight? The major point of the topic was about Social Security, I don't understand why reporters asking questions that's not even related to social security, They asked questions related to Iraq. Are you sick of hearing about Iraq all the time? It's like a repeating old broken record., I wish that Iraq issue was never been brought up that has nothing to do with Social Security. :ugh:
That's Bush.

I browsed through two worlds, liberal/conservative blogs/sites included Corporate news and many of them (both, liberals and conservatives) remarked that there was little 'newsworthy' there.

Cheri, I may not be surprised if these reporters may be personally picked by Bush to make sure that none of them will pitch the hardballs (questions that Bush don't want to answer). That's one major reason why Bush Admin picked Gannon so that Bush don't have to deal with hardballs but only softballs (questions that he can answer without making him look more stupid than usual).

Anyone can check this link out about Bush's talking points. I will post more if there is any (I didn't look for these yet).

Edit: Ohh... here's another article: Bush Social Security Plan Would Cut Future Benefits.
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NOPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE -- cuz i watch the animes!!!! :)
nope cuz i was at mentoring plus interview today... got better things to do than watch tv during the day... if i wanna know abt the news i ll check it in the papers and or late night news :)
I didn't even bother to watch bush on t.v cuz i went to bed to take a nap and now I am up again lol but will go back to sleep since i have work in the morning
yeah i noticed that, waste my f*cking time .. i was plannin to watching a show * THE OC * at 8 pm.. somehow it popped up SPECIAL REPORT on FOX8 and other channels.. *rme* grrrr he jumped on different topic since it supposed to discuss about SS!!! *rme again*
Magatsu said:
Cheri, I may not be surprised if these reporters may be personally picked by Bush to make sure that none of them will pitch the hardballs (questions that Bush don't want to answer). That's one major reason why Bush Admin picked Gannon so that Bush don't have to deal with hardballs but only softballs (questions that he can answer without making him look more stupid than usual).

Yes, I think they may be picked by Bush because Bush knew some of their names after they asked questions.

He also mention that some people don't like him, I laughed at that line. :giggle: You got that right Bush. ;)

But, I don't agree with how Bush is doing with Social Security, Private account? I don't agree with the private account.
Actually I didn't watch it because I was watching some movies so I really don't know what Bush talked about.
i dont watch bush either... most time i watch lifetime movies smile!
Its obvious that they ask the questions about Iraq. Its because the Iraq war is more important than s.s. itself... There are American soldiers fighting over there for you Cheri, you might wanna give some sympathaies to them instead of complaining about how reporters go off topic.
I was trying to watch my Survivor show yesterday but Bush had something to say....I had to wait until Bush was done speaking then my show would come on, but he spoke for an hour I had to wait that long.. :shock: ...
Nusentinsaino said:
Its obvious that they ask the questions about Iraq. Its because the Iraq war is more important than s.s. itself... There are American soldiers fighting over there for you Cheri, you might wanna give some sympathaies to them instead of complaining about how reporters go off topic.

I am sure Cheri knows that American Soliders are out there fighting for our country, yet she is just saying that she is tired of hearing about Iraq, and so am I, but that doesn't mean we don't care, there comes a time when we heard Iraq too many times, then we go off to bed, the word " Iraq " will be running in our mind, Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq, soon we will go :crazy: ...

If Iraq was so important than SS, why didn't Bush talk about Iraq in the first place?....

As I see teachers are being laid off from schools and most schools are closing, yet SS is important, Iraq is important but not our children who need the education.... :thumbd:
I don't watch TV much because I don't have cable TV, :P I could care less about Bush, he can go to hell until 2008. ;)
I did not watch it. I look at tv very little anyway. Maybe the paper will have a better report about it and stick to the issue.
Even though I did not watch it, I agree that the issue should have been stuck too. If the war in Iraq was to be talked about, do a special on it.
The issue was to be ss, and it sounds to me from the ones that looked at the tv, that the intended subject matter was not discussed much.
It may be as suggested, that certain ones were placed there to keep things off topic, the softball questions.

I did not see it on TV last night, I tried to make a copy on OC but it was black out. Glad I did not see him on TV cuz I get depress when I listen to his speech. Knowing he hurts us alot.
Cheri said:
Anyone watched the Live coverage of President Bush tonight?
Yes, I watched it.

Social Security is an important topic for me because I am closer to retirement age. But I am not fully depending on it.
Nusentinsaino said:
Its obvious that they ask the questions about Iraq. Its because the Iraq war is more important than s.s. itself... There are American soldiers fighting over there for you Cheri, you might wanna give some sympathaies to them instead of complaining about how reporters go off topic.

I agree with this. While SS is a very important issue, so is the Iraq war. Had there been no questions about Iraq, people would be saying the same thing exact thing...He would have been criticized for not talking about the war at all. Unfortunately, there is a limited amount of time he can talk (look at the criticism he has received in this thread alone for shows being interupted). He talked about SS and the war, which are two very important issues taking place right now.
Nusentinsaino said:
Its obvious that they ask the questions about Iraq. Its because the Iraq war is more important than s.s. itself... There are American soldiers fighting over there for you Cheri, you might wanna give some sympathaies to them instead of complaining about how reporters go off topic.
I can understand your point but what I am concerning about is that none of these reporters asked Bush the hard questions. For example: the latest (and final) report from CIA that there is no WMD in Iraq at all (link). Well, most of us already know that Bush tend to not read, if there are any 'real' reporters in that area, I assure you that they will hammer Bush down with the 'real' questions about non-existent WMD and other things instead of these pathetic 'softball' questions. Cheri already show that she do care about these soldiers much more than many cronies under Bush's wing since she actually want them to get out of Iraq right away. Since there is no WMD. Saddam is out of the game. So what is the point for our soldiers to fight and died in there now? Get them out and send them back to their families. At least, British government have more guts, Blair may will be try for war crime because of non-existent WMD. I bet you that Bush will have a breath of relief that he refused to sign the intentional court agreement because he will be try for war crime from over 30 countries.

Unfortunately that I missed this Nightline last night but good thing that DK caught it for all of us. Let me post:
...For those of you on the west coast, there was an interesting segment on NIGHTLINE. Ted Koppel is analyzing the press conference & had on Dana Milbank of the Washington Post, John Harwood of the Wall Street Journal, & a British journalist with the Financial Times, Lionell Barber...

...Barber said that these press conferences are stage craft, with assigned seating & assigned questions, that don't say or do anything. Koppel then compared the way the BBC & the British media ask questions of Tony Blair with their American counterparts, where the British media gives Blair "a going over". Koppel then turned to Milbank & Harwood, and asked why no reporter has the guts to stand up & tell Bush that he isn't answering their questions, & it isn't sufficient to regurgitate his speech from his traveling tour.

Milbank & Harwood's response tells you everything you need to know about what's wrong with the media. Both said that you can't be 'too hard' with Bush. That if you ask a hard question of Bush, you won't get an answer. Dana Milbank said you need to ask it "as an essay question" to him. Koppel then asked both of them "which question" asked as an essay tonight, did the reporters get a substanitive answer to? Neither one of them had an answer for Ted Koppel.

Edward R. Murrow spins a little more in his grave.
Source: NIGHTLINE: Why Won't Reporters Ask Tough Questions?


Edit: Nusentinsaino, If I am a father and the army grabbed my son out of my arm and send him over to the country that have no WMD and 'dictator' is completely out of the game. As a father, I would rather to have the reporters to do their jobs and hammer Bush down with real questions about these issues that many parents need to know, not what Bush don't want to answer.
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