Liebling:-))) and Sunshinelady?...

Ja, Ich liebst Engel

Ja Du liebst Engel. (Yes, you love angel)

Ich liebe Engel auch. (Ich also love angel or I love angel, too).

Ich weiß, dass du mich liebst. Du bist mein Engel. :giggle:
I know that you myself ( liebst ? ). You are my angel .....

Almost correction... :thumb:

"I know that you love me. You are my angel".

liebst = love (verbs, present, noun language... I already explained in previous post.

Aruba Darlin' , Du bist mein lieber Freund!!! :kiss:

:shock: Das ist für einen Männ! (This is for a man)

Ich dachte, du weißt daß, ich eine Frau bin? (I thought you know that I'm a woman?)

Du solltest schrieben: (You should write: )
"Du bist meine liebe Freundin"... (You are my dear friend)... this is for female word if you want to write a letter to woman then use those word... Du bist meine "liebe Freundin"...(dear friend) If you want to write a letter to man then use those word Du bist meine "lieber Freund"... (dear friend)..

Dude, heh...this thread are probably for German/English.

Ich spreche Deutsches ein wenig. Ja, das ist schlecht. Ja?

Neeeee,............... warum schlecht?!! wenn Du willst üben, das ist ja toll ;)

Noooo, ..... why bad?!! if you want to practice, that is super ;)
Oh I know this one :giggle: Leibling know all about the story I told her last month. Nein :D

I know how to say good morning, thanks, and no. But I dont read them in germany and it would be fun. I better start write those down on paper and one day I will send email to my cousin who can speak germany cuz she used to lived there for 8 yrs while she was married to her ex hubby who was from germany.
lol you all are so cute :giggle:
it is fun to learn german since i have german nationality from both side of my parents
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: thread here...


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