Lets Assume

hahaha, i'm sorry for not being as slutty as you. i like to have some meaning, y'know?

Its not either of our fault, ya know. :)
You mentioned it before - you would be fine with being a crazy old cat woman.

It's the fact you have a lower level of androgen in your body that makes you not so active in that sense.

For the record, I would assume Souggy has same/shorter ring finger as well.
In 2010 I hope to find Mr. Right instead of Mr. Well-You-Could-Kinda-Fill-The-Spot :)
Hold tha phone!

....what are...you....talking...about?

maybe i'll find a boyfriend.. but i highly doubt it, i have no problem being a crazy cat lady when i'm an old lady! :giggle:

Just..like the Simpsons?



my ring finger is about half of a cm shorter than my index finger.



Its not either of our fault, ya know. :)
You mentioned it before - you would be fine with being a crazy old cat woman.

It's the fact you have a lower level of androgen in your body that makes you not so active in that sense.

For the record, I would assume Souggy has same/shorter ring finger as well.

well, i'm completely fine with it because i'm actually happy right now. i like being single.. i was in a 2-year relationship 2 years ago. if i ever meet a man that has the same level of intelligence as me (i don't date dumb guys at all), is actually respectful, and enjoys the things i like to do.. i'll drop the whole crazy old cat lady thing in the meantime.
well, i'm completely fine with it because i'm actually happy right now. i like being single.. i was in a 2-year relationship 2 years ago. if i ever meet a man that has the same level of intelligence as me (i don't date dumb guys at all), is actually respectful, and enjoys the things i like to do.. i'll drop the whole crazy old cat lady thing in the meantime.

I know :)
well, i'm completely fine with it because i'm actually happy right now. i like being single.. i was in a 2-year relationship 2 years ago. if i ever meet a man that has the same level of intelligence as me (i don't date dumb guys at all), is actually respectful, and enjoys the things i like to do.. i'll drop the whole crazy old cat lady thing in the meantime.

What is the possibility using quantum mechanics that in in this three dimensional space of a bulletin board you will present a photograph accelerating at speed X and have it collide with destination A (my computer screen) in order to form an event, and thus determine your visual definition in this electron cloud bulletin board?

Is that hot or what??? :naughty:
What is the possibility using quantum mechanics that in in this three dimensional space of a bulletin board you will present a photograph accelerating at speed X and have it collide with destination (my computer screen) in order to form an event, and thus determine your visual definition in this electron cloud bulletin board?

Is that hot or what??? :naughty:

Anakin, Just give him the dang picture :roll:
I am just facepalmin' y'all! :lol:

and...yes, the photo was taken very recently...(by my webcam, eh)