...less than 60 days until my partner becomes the Mrs.


AD Veteran
Premium Member
Nov 20, 2006
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Since I have not been around on AD for a while, I'm due to get married in 8 weeks to my missus. :cool2:
congrat! busy busy time!
"here comes the bride....
all dressed in White....
Here comes the grooooommmmm...
Skinny as a broom!"

Anyway, Congrats!...Wishing you both the very best.
wow. congrats. be sure to have two furkids included in your wedding lol just kidding but that would be nice.
Wirelessly posted

Congratulations! Wish you and the missus the best!
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Marriage is amazing, going on 25 years with my bestfriend and we couldn't be happier. Wishing you and your bride all the happiness in the world!!!!
three days!

October 20th 2012 - saturday morning, will be the time I'll be married!

(October 19th night time - USA time)