Lesbian 'brutally beaten by girlfriend's brother at thanksgiving dinner dont approve

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good job, calvin... (i see it make me sicken)
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Just FYI... I edited the OP's post to add the warning to viewers due to disturbing image in those links.

Yup, it does indeed graphic, really very graphic.
I can't believe he got out on bond. He should be locked up until he is old.
I believe that FBI will arrest him after it finds that it was a hate crime.

Yup, but the trial in state court need to be completed before he gets arrest and put on federal charge.
nothing second degree about it,premeditated attempted murder.i no can get head around people who got such hate for gay people,,,,this person who beast should go away for life he a danger to all gays
This is just horrible, I hope justice will take its place with this jerk! I hope she recovers soon.

Seriously makes me feel so incredibly lucky to have an accepting family, as well as my girlfriend's family.
That is rough. Knowing her family was crazy, maybe the girl shoulda told the girlfriend to skip this one. We know our families and most of what they're capable of. Especially with something like their opinion on her sexuality, she most likely had an strong inkling that they'd at least be cold toward the girlfriend or both of them. I wouldn't have chanced it. Not saying it's the girl's fault because her brother's a nutter, but still...just goddamn.

My family's iffy about the lesbian thing, so just to avoid any kind of conflict I'm having my girlfriend meet my family indiviually, one person at a time and certainly not right away, if at all honestly (if she'd be cool with that.)

I hate when stuff like this happens. I don't understand why the reaction, why the hate has to be that strong. Is it really that serious? Where do strong destructive feelings like that come from in a person? I don't think I'll ever understand. Hell, I don't even know if I want to. I can deal with name calling and bitchy looks, but damn stop being all scary and dangerous, homophobes. Take it easy.