Legalize It All!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2013
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here is a very well written and fairly long, five pages article on prohibition and why it should end in harpers.

It's worth reading indeed I implore all the ideologically driven prohibitionists to actually read this.

And would love to discuss it.
Some big words In here and big concepts....

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The Swiss abandoned prohibition and moved treatment and things are significantly better there, so has Portugal.

Also prohibition... Where have I heard that before... Maybe the prohibition on alcohol? That didn't work well did it...
Ok... I will dance with you :)
Very interesting article. To state, I am agree that it all should be legalized. Yet, I see the possibility and probably being a sluppery slope.
The author seems strongly for starting with state run systmes. Do you agree with this? It does point out though that there is still chance for the black market to thrive under legalizing it all, as you put. In truth, I see a permanent opening for the black market regardless of what is legal or not...
The state failed at running a prostitution house... I am curious if they would fail at two of the three biggest sellers.
While there are 4 states that have legalized (error cannot forget to throw DC in there), Colorado has been the biggest one in the hot seat. Why? Even this article mainly brought up Colorado mainly, while the rest were more of an afterthought or used to give ratio.
I can see the benefits of legalization, but I do not see it happening unless the federal government does it. I see legalization going the same way or very similar as same sex marriage in truth.
Yet, I am a bit stuck on a state run program. Yes, if the state run programs fail it is easier to open the market rather then close it to only state if the winds blow that was. But, is it enough?
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Ok... I will dance with you :)
Very interesting article. To state, I am agree that it all should be legalized. Yet, I see the possibility and probably being a sluppery slope.
The author seems strongly for starting with state run systmes. Do you agree with this? It does point out though that there is still chance for the black market to thrive under legalizing it all, as you put. In truth, I see a permanent opening for the black market regardless of what is legal or not...
The state failed at running a prostitution house... I am curious if they would fail at two of the three biggest sellers.
While there are 4 states that have legalized (error cannot forget to throw DC in there), Colorado has been the biggest one in the hot seat. Why? Even this article mainly brought up Colorado mainly, while the rest were more of an afterthought or used to give ratio.
I can see the benefits of legalization, but I do not see it happening unless the federal government does it. I see legalization going the same way or very similar as same sex marriage in truth.
Yet, I am a bit stuck on a state run program. Yes, if the state run programs fail it is easier to open the market rather then close it to only state if the winds blow that was. But, is it enough?

I don't support state run programs.
I'd rather have a state run program with all its failings then a pack prisons prohibition idea.

There will always be a black market sure. That's a given. There's even one for booze, but the size will be rather small compared to a legal one.
It's one of scale really
I think the author focused colorodo do as that is where the author himself is from so tome that makes sense.
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While there may be a black market for booze and a other things I am curious how it would be treated.
While it makes sense that having a state run facility would reduce the number of newly incarcerated. ... I do not see the prisons releasing those already in.... thus we may still be stuck with an insane amount of incarcerated....
If a state run facility fails, I am not so sure that it would be opened to the public... rather "studies" would pop out of the woodworks saying it was a dead end and keep the restrictions. ..
Well I support total non prohibition. I see no reason why those caged under unjust laws should not be released.

I think a black market could be treated the same way a booze black market is.
The thing is
It's about money. Period
That's why their is a black market
Anyone can just open up some bar, restaurant, docs office whatever without a valid licence. But if found it gets shut down.
That doesn't intrinsically prevent any one from doing it, but sicnce it's about money it makes sense to get the paper work and open your business. The right way or try to do it the wrong way and suffer the fines and what ever. Since you've invested allot of loot and time into it.
Getting the paperwork makes sense
To me anyway

The above is an example
The regulation would be there

Like it is in any ligit business.

If it's legal.

Will it be profitable to still sell it via a black market
maybe for some, maybe akin to after hour deliveries or some such but not to the scale as now have.

I support the market to figure it's way out.
I don't support state run booze cans, as we have here say lick bowls
We have them and they work, it sucks but it was better then drinking some gas juice under prohibition and goingblind or what ever...

Quality control is important for any productconsimedby humans.
Or any creature for that matter