Left 4K Dead


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
Before you go telling me that I got the title wrong...

That's the actual title of this game made in Java.

This guy was inspired by the real game called Left 4 Dead and made a game in Java using less than 4K memory. So, the title of this game became... Left 4K Dead.

Left 4k Dead

Impressive. :)
Eh its okay...went over 300kills then got pretty boring after that.

Seems too easy for me lol althou it is in overhead view and everything...I dont really like that kind of thing. Overhead view just looks weird.

I'll go for the real Left 4 Dead on Xbox360 anyday.
Shit it is REALLY hard indeed...I only got thru the first level and can hardly survive the second level where I try collectin the yellow dot damn. lol

EDIT: I just got past the 2nd level...3rd is HARDEST! ugh lol
I've played that game... quite easy if you get a hang of it. :)