Learning to Live with Deafness with hearning children


New Member
Mar 16, 2011
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I was born deaf in my right ear, but my left ear was my good ear until I became sick then I was hard of hearing.recently I lost all of my hearing due to another sickness. I am a mother of a fifteen year old son. there are times when I thought how I was going to make it and what will my child think of me simply because all of my family is hearing and I m the first to be deaf. I cried many nignts and could not sleep for days but I struggle what i would do to communicate with my son, so I prayed and for days I waited but one thing the love for my son has not left me or him so finally i had to explain to him what was going on at one point I thought he would be embarressed or not talk to me he just simply say " momma keep doing what we always done don worry about anything let God take over" that was the sweetest words I ever felt him say although he wrote on paper we learned to cues and computer and typewriter and now he has a cell phone so we text each other I say learning to live with deaf ness is not hard it is just ajusting to what you have and make the best of it simply because kids love will always be the same.:lol: