Last Movie You Watched?

Through deaf eyes. Halfway Through it. A lot of New bits of info to digest. Glad I saw it though. Stimulates that urge to actually attend deaf socials around my area
Last movie I saw was Grease :D I totally love it and have to sing and dance whenever I do. I'd like to see [ My sister's keeper ] and [ The time traveler's wife ]. hmm I should have a movie night at my house...
It Started with a Kiss 1 and 2 - Taiwanese Series
You Are Beautiful - Korean Series
Beethoven Virus - Korean Series

Good decent movie series.

(Have Closed Captions in English etc)
Iron Man 2
The Book of Eli
Food, Inc
Black Down Hawk
The Machinist
Beavis and Butt-head Do America
Paranormal Activity
Marmaduke twice for my daughter with CC (very cute)
Iron Man 2 (eh....)
How to Train your Dragon
Legally Blonde and 2 (nothing else on TV but the captions were somewhat off I think)
Remember the old movie 1985 "The Toxic Avenger"?
I am watching that movie right now.

I saw both a few days ago.

The Karate Kid was good.

Splice wasn't what I expected. It was one of those movies where the previews looked better than the movie. :(

In Red Bold----> Yes, I agreed, Spliced movie disappointed me UGH!. In one sex scene was kinda awkward cuz she is half human half creature EW!.

"The Karate Kid" remake was good but different actor which is black, almost same story in the original "The Karate Kid" with Ralph Macchinco (Whatever his last name is).
Saw "How to Train your Dragon" It's cute.

"Human Centipede" Gosh, The German doctor is sooo friggin UGLY PSYCHO!. My friend suggested me to rent it. "Human Centipede 2" will come out in January.

"The Mirrors 2" It's not that bad interesting, better than part 1 with Actor Kiefer Sutherland.

And classic horror movie "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" good effect and good story.