Lapd, fbi & cia


New Member
Sep 18, 2006
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The LAPD, FBI & CIA decided to see who was the best at catching perps. So a rabbit is released into the forest,and each of them has to catch it.

The CIA goes in. They place animal informants throughout the forest.They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After months of extensive investigation,they conclude that rabbits do not exist.

The FBI goes in. After two weeks with no leads, they burn the forest, killing everything including the rabbit.

The LAPD goes in. They come out two hours later dragging a bruised mountain lion behind them. The mountain lion is yelling "Okay! Okay! I'm a rabbit! I'm a rabbit!"
For those of who dont understand the joke, it's subliminally making fun of the way these agencies handle their affairs.

The CIA just kills people and says nothing ever happened.
The FBI/ATF killed the Davidians in Waco, Texas by setting a fire to their compound trying to force them out.
The LAPD is known for abuse and forcing people to give confessions when they were truly innocent.
you have a peculiar sense of humor :lol: