Ladies who have Menieres disease.


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Oct 5, 2008
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Just so you know this is a period related question. I was wondering if when you have your cycle your Menieres starts to act up more often?? Seems as if I have a lot more trouble when its my time than usual.

The dizziness and vertigo are worse as well as the nausea I feel. Seriously someone could kill me now and Id be happy =/:shock:
I suspect my five year old has this. They say it's rare in kids...but she's showing all the symptoms. I'm so worried. Will know in Nov.
Candy, I didn't have Menieres but a cholesteatoma, they did think it was Menieres for a long time. That being said - yes. It did seem to "act up" more during the menses. Deadly vertigo, nausea, the works plus the usual symptoms related to menses. It was as you described. Please, anyone have cyanide???
Does your doctor give this any credibility? Mine did not. Just curious, and hoping I didn't divert your topic.
DBG- I really hope your baby girl doesn't have it :( I will keep you in my thoughts and her.

LD- I have bilateral Menieres Disease and I really never paid much attention to my symptoms being worse until recently. I have symptoms daily, vertigo, nausea, un balanced and I usually can manage as its not too terrible by my standards because its something I deal with every day. Its when I have a severe attack or drop attack that gets bad. I was thinking back to when my last REAL BAD attack was and it was my last period a month ago and then the previous month to that. I have a doctors appointment in November so I will be asking this when I go. But it really puts me out. Someone smacking me in the head with a 2x4 would be easier to deal with. I just hope everything subsides when my period is over :(

Thanks for your input.
Apparently, I have WTF disease. What I have mimics Menieres. Dizziness, falling over, running into things, etc. I get nauseaous. I don't have long episodes of vertigo, though. I think that whatever I have is destroying the bone in my ears. So far, specialists have been no help whatsoever!

There's definitely a hormonal component. It's gotten worse as estrogen has decreased.

I understand your frustration. Going from an active person to a person who has bad days that are miserable. Do you want some tea and sympathy? I'm good at that.
I think it does get worse when mother nature decides to visit. Think about it.... we retain water during that time.
I can't help as I don't have Meniere's, but I sympathize with you, CBE! Do simple meds such as Midol, etc. help at all? I know the Midol-type meds can't help with the dizziness and vertigo, but perhaps the nausea?
Well Im already on a lot of meds, Midol has never really worked and currently I take 25 MG of Meclizine 3 times a day for vertigo, 25 MG of Promethazine every 6 hours as needed for nausea. And 37.5-25MG of Triamterene-Hydrochlorothiazide (Maxide) for water retention once a day. All of that and then 500 MG of Naproxen twice daily (anti inflammatory)... It seems like during my cycle my meds don't work at all! I always go to the bathroom as it is. I feel a little better this morning but i just woke up, dreading getting my day started because I feel the moment i actually start to do something my world will be flipped upside down :(

Thanks sally and Alley. I tell people all the time I can deal with the fact I am losing my hearing from this, its all this other crap that makes me absolutely miserable :(
Apparently, I have WTF disease. What I have mimics Menieres. Dizziness, falling over, running into things, etc. I get nauseaous. I don't have long episodes of vertigo, though. I think that whatever I have is destroying the bone in my ears. So far, specialists have been no help whatsoever!

There's definitely a hormonal component. It's gotten worse as estrogen has decreased.

I understand your frustration. Going from an active person to a person who has bad days that are miserable. Do you want some tea and sympathy? I'm good at that.

*giggle* I LOVE the name you came up with! I too have WTF disease! I have a lot of symtoms of Menieres also.. LONG episodes of vertigo that make me throw up.. and hearing loss.. and dizziness... and bad balance.. so forth. I was tested for Menieres now a couple of times.. but I have other issues as well and menieres just never fits totally..

But I DO understand trust me. ...mine hits when ever it wants. I had my uterus removed last year due to well, a tummor and other reasons.. so I do not know if it gets worse around that time of the month or not anymore.. but from what I remember.. I believe a lot of my biggest attacks actually were around the time I had my period. ... now.. I just get big attacks when they decide they want to grace me with the joys of spending the day dizzy and in bed.. *L*
kari sorry you have to deal with this, its gotta be frustrating that they don't even know what is causing yours. It was that way before I was diagnosed because I have something that people can't see. :( hope yours doesn't get too bad :(
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It would make since if they were connected. I am at the tail end of mother natures little gift and I had almost 2 hours of vertigo this morning and spent the rest of the day in bed.