ladies and gentlemen...theres something I have to admit, and I regret this forever...

WOW! i did not expect u to post like that in public! WOW! im impressed and admired u now lol. HUGS remember i told you things will get better even though u cant see it now... it WILL get better. there is a saying that goes like this "time is greatest healer of all" i think in this situation it is true.

PM me if u need to talk to me. i lost SK2 :( or email me on myspace
Steel X,

Everyone can make mistakes his/her is not just about you but everyone.. We learn from out mistakes and try to enrich our lives using our experiences.

Stay strong and tuned :hug:
Porn is something you're better off working out with her because there are some women who are comfortable with it as long as they can enjoy it with you.

With flirting, that's a no-no. Of course, it's sticky because some women have different definitions of flirting. My definition of flirting is hitting on another girl with the appearance of intending to date them or thinking they're better than the girl you're with. However, some girls consider flirting as looking at another female, talking to another female, doing something with another female, etc.

That was the problem I had with my previous relationship. She didn't like the fact that I had a female in my group for class, that I knew a girl for over 2 years (classmate), that I helped another girl with moving, that I said "hi" to a female friend, etc. It was horrible.

There's nothing wrong with saying "hi" to your friends. There's nothing wrong with helping people move. We all have group activities that we are stuck with. There will always be females in our lives, so we just have to live with it. For her, this was a HUGE "no-no". :roll:
That's sad to read, your smart to speak up, very courage man, I am sure you will meet Miss Right soon or later. God is listening to your plea.
There's nothing wrong with saying "hi" to your friends. There's nothing wrong with helping people move. We all have group activities that we are stuck with. There will always be females in our lives, so we just have to live with it. For her, this was a HUGE "no-no".

Very Jealous lady, impossible to pleased her!!
Steely Dan -

It took a lot of courage to admit your addiction, and believe me, we all have our own shortcomings - some of us have already admitted them, some will never be able to and some wont even admit that they have a serious problem.

You have recognized that you have a problem, and you have taken steps to combat your addiction. In other words, you have completed step 1 of your 12 step recovery - admitting that you have a problem.

Anytime you need someone to talk to, just PM me.

Im pulling for you - and I support you fully!!!
(Clapping), congradulations, you just made your first step toward recovery from pornographic addiction!! You are a rare breed, man! Not a whole lot of guys have this gut as you do and take it slow and one day at a time. What takes to eat an whole elephant? One bite at a time!

That is what my mom says to me about when I have a problem. You are a role model to deaf men (and no offense ladies) and women who have addictions to pornography.

Ladies and Gents, it is a terrible world out there with online and offline pornographic materials that can lead to temptations, relationship hardship and breakups, destructions to marriages, adultery, even rape and child prediating!

You see, I hear all the time close to home and far by hearing the news, a distant cousin, and others were caught with child pornograph photographs online. That is sad. That is good, Steel, you are an admitted addict.

Next step, check out for AA style group but its for sexual addiction support groups. I heard there is one. Someone told me that years ago for my hometown but I am not sure if your hometown has one.

We all do have an addiction of a kind. I know what my wife has and My wife knows my addictions. My sister is a recovery alcoholic. Oh I can go on and on.

Believe me, there are even computer and tv addicts!

When you are ready, love will return to you, man! Love will never die. It just went to sleep for now. :)
Wow i m proud of you tell us how ur feel abt porn.. it's not easy for that Dan .. I do agree with them better move on with ur life and when you feel ready find right gurl in ur life someday :) also it's already cost ur relationship just lost who great gurl in ur life :( but but glad that you are ok now and don't even think abt sneak porn or i will *slap* ur hand :giggle: j/k also i do agree w/Cheri all of us are gonna be alway be there for you whatever you need us talk :) But like i said there no perfect what happen in ur past :)

Wow, I read this thread from Steelx's story.

You got a good to vent it out how you feel yourself. You made a mistake that you look into the porngraphy and flirt with a girls and also you lost her cuz she is not comfortable when you look at it and flirt with a girls.

That's good to remove them so when you get love back again when you got a girlfriend again and spend time with her to show her how you really love her again. :) Hang in there! :D

Cheri, You got really good posted :hug:. Yeah, take long to heal it to make feel better again to feel ready. just like hang in there till you feel better again :)

Whoever you got a friends are care and be there for you when you need it :)
Thanks everyone...

I've already quit pornography for good so I dont want to go back and look at porn again as it would remind me of what I were and what made me lose someone so important to me so pornography is considered bad luck when you are in a relationship with someone.

Good for you Dan I appluse for you bravo bravo Good Job!

A long time ago, she has told me that porn can ruin relationships and marriage, and frankly, she was obviously right.

She is right it makes woman's feeling hurt , sometime they feel low self - esteem (spelling )

So remember this...Porn is BAD NEWS. Its just best to look at porn when you are REALLY single, but if you already have a girlfriend or wife, then STOP it immediately.
porn can hurt women's feelings very badly, and thats what happened to my own mother too since she was married to a man of 10 years, has looked into porn as well and she was always greatly offended about it but he just didnt care and still looks at it anyway...I guess thats how I got it from him and I am greatly ashamed of it but I'm glad that man is out of our lives for good and porn should be out of my life for good too. I just dont care for it anymore since I rather face reality than fantasy cause this is the REAL world.

Your mom is not the only one been thru marriage looking thru pornos , my dead ex -husband does that too and I put up with that my son does that and my youngest son tried that too but I bust his ass and told him if I ever catch him he is getting the paddle for good. damn I blame the ex husband for showing it to my son than now I have told my son about his little brother caught that tape argh great get rid of those pornos makers geesh
Hey everyone,

there is something I have to be honest with myself to everyone about myself...

and to someone that I have lost who is very precious, very special, and really did rock my world...til I didnt do something that I should have a long time ago...

I admitted that I have a terrible addiction to pornography, and that I cant really resist girls who flirt with me, yet I would NEVER go that far with other girls when I still have that special person in my life as I NEVER cheated on her, or lied to her, or even break her heart on purpose. I love her so much with all my heart, and she was someone that I NEVER loved so much before because she always treated me very kind with respect, honor, and trust. she was one hell of a perfect girlfriend to me. I felt she has made my life complete, I felt she was the world to me, and I felt that she was definetly the one for me.

But one problem is that for a year we been together, she wasnt very comfortable into something that I was into...pornography and flirting with other girls. she has told me a number of times that she wasnt comfortable with this yet I was foolish and was telling her that its nothing serious, etc...and that porn is just a guys thing and flirting with other girls would never lead to cheat or anything like that. as I said before I never cheated or lied to her. She has been suffering with this problem for a year and I didnt do what she expected me to do so she has went and decided to break up with me, and when she said she dumped me and wanted us to be single for awhile, it was like a major wake up call to me, and I went and told her I would delete all the pornography files off my computer for good and would cut off girls who flirt with me as I flirt back but seems that it was too late for me because her love for me has faded...and I begged her for another chance since I was SO serious about doing what she wanted me to do cause I dont want to lose her AT all but...sigh it was just too late for me so...I didnt do what I should've done ladies and gentlemen, this is my fault and I regret it and will not forgive myself for not doin what she expected me to do. Gentlemen, if you have a girlfriend or wife who do not appericate pornography and flirting ACCEPT their feelings and do what they say so you wont lose them like I did.

This is a very hard lesson for me so if I was ever with another girl who do not appericate pornography and flirting, then I would do as she please so to respect her.

pornography is famous for lust and flirting leads to trouble cause it would cause trust issues.

Men, if you are in love with a woman who have such problems like that, then DO something to prove how much u REALLY love them such as to STOP looking at pornography and STOP flirting with other girls. DONT make the same mistake as I did.

So that's all...I already lost her, but I still love her SO much with all my heart and soul that I would DO anything to help gain her trust and love back to me...but I have no other choice but just let her go, since she already got someone else and I guess he knows better than I do when it comes to respecting women's feelings.

So, gentlemen, DONT ever make that mistake when you would regret and blame yourself for a long time like I did cause I'm not going to forgive myself at all for not doing what I should have done sooner.

So, remember gentlemen ALWAYS respect the woman's feelings and i mean ALWAYS.

Thanks for your time and patience and take care everyone...

-Dan aka Steel X

to many apologies to someone out there who I didnt do to meet her needs and demands and I hope someone else out there would just make her happy. I love you. Now good bye.

Man you really got BALLS to confess your sins.........but I am proud of you that you stop looking at pornos!