Lack of privacy..


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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How do you sign-ers copy with obvious lack of privacy when conversing in public?
I was sitting at the train when two deaf men got on the train and started talking.
I couldn't help but thought If I knew ASL then I surely would understand every thing they said.

So how do you protect yourself from, say, accidently spilling too much that may even land you in hot water?

in other words how do you secure your privacy?

If I am on the city subway train, we talk about normal things and keep the private stuff for at the house. If I am on Amtrak train then I get a room with a bed and a bathroom then can chat in private.
Heath said:
If I am on the city subway train, we talk about normal things and keep the private stuff for at the house. If I am on Amtrak train then I get a room with a bed and a bathroom then can chat in private.
well unfortunately some deaf are not like that way you do... they blurt gossip in pubic. Even normal things can be turned into gossip that's because they didn't know that you have done it when you thought it is ok to talk about... is not just a "deaf" issue per se when it comes to saying things in public that are better left unsaid. It is more of a common sense issue. Seems like many don't have it while some do.
sr171soars said: is not just a "deaf" issue per se when it comes to saying things in public that are better left unsaid. It is more of a common sense issue. Seems like many don't have it while some do.
Audiofuzzy said:
How do you sign-ers copy with obvious lack of privacy when conversing in public?
I was sitting at the train when two deaf men got on the train and started talking.
I couldn't help but thought If I knew ASL then I surely would understand every thing they said.

So how do you protect yourself from, say, accidently spilling too much that may even land you in hot water?

in other words how do you secure your privacy?



Why don't you ask them what they are chatting about? I am sure that they are not stupid to spill their private issues in general public. Moreover, there are not many people know about our ASL. That's too bad for you for not learning our ASL.....
sr171soars said: is not just a "deaf" issue per se when it comes to saying things in public that are better left unsaid. It is more of a common sense issue. Seems like many don't have it while some do.

That's right, hearing people blurt out things in public too, or so my girlfriend tells me.

I don't worry about privecy when I'm out in public. and speaking of privecy I have a story with a weird twist.

I was at the rehersal dinner for my brother's wedding. It was kind of noisy and everybody was just talkinng back and forth. My girlfriend (she's hearing) and I start signing so that we can have a usefull conversation.
My entire extended family is hearing, my (future) sister-in-law's family is hering. I grew up hearing so the whole being nearly deaf and using ASL is new to them, I guess.

Anyway, the next day, my dad scolded me for signing. He said that it makes the rest of the family uncomfortable because they think we're talking about them.

All I could think was wht the F@#$^!??!
Hearing people can lower their voices if they don't want anybody overhear, or whisper,
I don't know how can you hide your signing...?

I was in the company of a deaf man at the stadium once, and he spied some people signing from a field across. He said he can understand what they are saying but out of respect he does not look at them. But also he said not everyone does that.

Another thing -yes, hearing people do blurt things out in public but the chances of meeting someone around who knows you are very slim. It's different with deaf community in one city - almost everybody knows everybody.

Would you admit to spying on other people signing? I dare you..

Audiofuzzy said:
How do you sign-ers copy with obvious lack of privacy when conversing in public?
I was sitting at the train when two deaf men got on the train and started talking.
I couldn't help but thought If I knew ASL then I surely would understand every thing they said.

So how do you protect yourself from, say, accidently spilling too much that may even land you in hot water?

in other words how do you secure your privacy?


Well, deaf people aren't alone. Hearing people have that issue, too. Lot of hearing people CAN overhear what they're talking about when someone's sneaking in or listening to their conversations or whatever.
sequoias said:
Well, deaf people aren't alone. Hearing people have that issue, too. Lot of hearing people CAN overhear what they're talking about when someone's sneaking in or listening to their conversations or whatever.
Yes, that true even my parents tell me to "shh shh" I asked my parent, "what are you doing?" My parent said, "I am listen what they are talking about..."

Gee.. nosey... :ugh2:
farmerjoe said:
That's right, hearing people blurt out things in public too, or so my girlfriend tells me.

I don't worry about privecy when I'm out in public. and speaking of privecy I have a story with a weird twist.

I was at the rehersal dinner for my brother's wedding. It was kind of noisy and everybody was just talkinng back and forth. My girlfriend (she's hearing) and I start signing so that we can have a usefull conversation.
My entire extended family is hearing, my (future) sister-in-law's family is hering. I grew up hearing so the whole being nearly deaf and using ASL is new to them, I guess.

Anyway, the next day, my dad scolded me for signing. He said that it makes the rest of the family uncomfortable because they think we're talking about them.

All I could think was wht the F@#$^!??!

:shock: that's not right for your dad to say that! geez...
Audiofuzzy said:
Hearing people can lower their voices if they don't want anybody overhear, or whisper,
I don't know how can you hide your signing...?

I was in the company of a deaf man at the stadium once, and he spied some people signing from a field across. He said he can understand what they are saying but out of respect he does not look at them. But also he said not everyone does that.

Another thing -yes, hearing people do blurt things out in public but the chances of meeting someone around who knows you are very slim. It's different with deaf community in one city - almost everybody knows everybody.

Would you admit to spying on other people signing? I dare you..


Actually...NO! I wouldn't feel comfortable to spying on other people signing...When I see them signing...I tend to approach and say hi to them..and have short period of time chat...Im always polite and respect people's privacy...I dont like to spy their conversations...It is out of respect and immaturity thing to do...

But..When Im busy like shopping or whatever...When I see people signing..I just ignore and keep myself I dont have time to stop by say hi and chat...just keep walking and do my errands...;)

Let me ask you something...Since you are you know sign language? or are you learning or what? How did you learn about our AllDeaf Forum here? :D
coloravalanche said:
Actually...NO! I wouldn't feel comfortable to spying on other people signing...When I see them signing...I tend to approach and say hi to them..and have short period of time chat...Im always polite and respect people's privacy...I dont like to spy their conversations...It is out of respect and immaturity thing to do...

But..When Im busy like shopping or whatever...When I see people signing..I just ignore and keep myself I dont have time to stop by say hi and chat...just keep walking and do my errands...;)

Let me ask you something...Since you are you know sign language? or are you learning or what? How did you learn about our AllDeaf Forum here? :D
uhhh no audiofuzzy is not hearing... check all her posts :) :whistle:
Boult said:
uhhh no audiofuzzy is not hearing... check all her posts :) :whistle:

I couldn't help but thought If I knew ASL then I surely would understand every thing they said.

Then Why did she say that? It sounded like to me that she's hearing.. :dunno: but thanks for letting me know..:D
coloravalanche said:
Then Why did she say that? It sounded like to me that she's hearing.. :dunno: but thanks for letting me know..:D

Not all deaf and hoh people know sign language.
Let me ask you something...Since you are you know sign language? or are you learning or what? How did you learn about our AllDeaf Forum here?

I am not hearing, I am functioning as hearing - I am HoH but technically I am deaf. I can't hear wihout my HAs.

I do not know sign language and I was thinking about learning ASL for a while but I am suffering with severe migraines and I am too tired most of the time.

I found ADF on Google.
Despite adapting pretty well to the hearing world I always felt I am missing on deaf culture, because no matter how well one is adapted to a hearing pple if you can't hear 100% you want to look for someone like you.

so one day I had the lightbulb moment and thought -this is Internet era! - and halleluia! found AD :)

LuciaDisturbed said:
Not all deaf and hoh people know sign language.


Just to back Fuzzy up, I had been HOH forever and now deaf due to CI and I have never learned sign. I have always been able to get along in the hearing world and not need sign.
coloravalanche said:
Actually...NO! I wouldn't feel comfortable to spying on other people signing...When I see them signing...I tend to approach and say hi to them..and have short period of time chat...Im always polite and respect people's privacy...I dont like to spy their conversations...It is out of respect and immaturity thing to do...

But..When Im busy like shopping or whatever...When I see people signing..I just ignore and keep myself I dont have time to stop by say hi and chat...just keep walking and do my errands...;)

Let me ask you something...Since you are you know sign language? or are you learning or what? How did you learn about our AllDeaf Forum here? :D

Coloravalanche, let me assist you to join the memberships of Alexander Graham Bell Association for the deaf and Self Help Hard of Hearing. You will obtain handsome info from the deaf oralists.

Perphas, they will help you to become a borg.
Hearing people are guilty of saying private things in public, especially on cell phones. While in line at the store check out, I heard this woman talking about her divorce and legal problems. Some people don't seem to care who hears or sees their conversations.
Mookie said:
Coloravalanche, let me assist you to join the memberships of Alexander Graham Bell Association for the deaf and Self Help Hard of Hearing. You will obtain handsome info from the deaf oralists.

Perphas, they will help you to become a borg.
Thanks for posting this links for prospective readers :) by the way, FYI that SHHH is now HLAA as of March 2006 they change name to Hearing Loss Association of America. Yes, the url you provided does work but redirect the reader to HLAA now.

Thanks again!