Kurt Angle released from WWE

This is farewell65's thread!!! He was just telling the news about Kurt Angle.

Originally Posted by farewell65

If ESPN considered WWE is enteraiment then why they sometime write article abt WWE or any legend wrestlers????? Therefore, WWE is sports and end the argue!!!!!!
Please respect him and no argument here. If you want to or to have debate then go make your own thread.

Thank u again!!
BD, if u continue complaining abt WWE is fake then u should stop watch WWE!

I think this thread is getting :topic: , so pls lock this thread, Mods or Adm, before everyone goes bomb their head and continue argue for stupid abt WWE is fake or sports... Thanks!
Mod Note:

Please refrain from bashing or insulting the ideals (opinions/thoughts) of others. It's much easier to agree to disagree in a manner that's mature and respectable.

Continuation of such posts may bring about warnings and/or any other action if deemed neccessary...and thread will get locked up.

In the meantime, thread will remain open and continue to discuss--with respect.

Thank you!

Hey You Belive this crap Kurt Angle is in pain? WRESTLING IS FAKE!!! THESE STORIES ARENT REAL NETHER!!!! The point is Kurt wants more money.Not even the NFL pull stories like this.The NFL will simply tell you the truth the player release because of contract issues.Like why philly got rid of T-O and The Vikings got rid of Randy Moss its because of contract issues.Its All about money people.

Fake? To me, they are REAL! sometimes they get blood, bones fractured... end to hospitail... damage cars...

I would suggest you to create a new thread to explain us why you think they are fake.
Fake? To me, they are REAL! sometimes they get blood, bones fractured... end to hospitail... damage cars...

I would suggest you to create a new thread to explain us why you think they are fake.

I gotta agreed with u cuz BD loves to watch WWE and he continues complaining abt WWE is fake or any bs... But I will still win the debate cuz I knew ALL WWE's politics (sp?) and all bs cuz I am die hard of WWE fan for 17 years...
I gotta agreed with u cuz BD loves to watch WWE and he continues complaining abt WWE is fake or any bs... But I will still win the debate cuz I knew ALL WWE's politics (sp?) and all bs cuz I am die hard of WWE fan for 17 years...

I watch WWE show every Friday to company my both sons and hubby. They (3) are the fan of WWE.... :D Of course I told them to not copy them.

Have you see the picture of my young son in my thread "Picture of Italy"?

He is happy to copy WWE superstar's image... wear thick silver necklace, headscarf, t-shirt... cute... :giggle: I love about him... I bought things for my both sons...
I watch WWE show every Friday to company my both sons and hubby. They (3) are the fan of WWE.... :D Of course I told them to not copy them.

Have you see the picture of my young son in my thread "Picture of Italy"?

He is happy to copy WWE superstar's image... wear thick silver necklace, headscarf, t-shirt... cute... :giggle: I love about him... I bought things for my both sons...

Haha, thats cute, are ur both sons like John Cena? FYI, I read ur posted pics on ur Italy pics thread, u typed WWI, its wrong and its WWE :)
I am so :jaw: that he released from WWE... I think it made sense cuz he sometimes have to take off from TV for some personal issues and seem still have personal issues, so I think he better leave WWE instead continue take off... But I wanna see Kurt to win 2nd wrestler ever hold triple pro wrestling belts holder (WWE, WCW, and ECW)...
do you want see check click from wresting tpwwforums.com - Powered by vBulletin good lucky boys..
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Kurt Angle signed TNA!!!!!

He's something else!!!