Kids and the Internet

I personally have several mechanisms in place to protect my children while they surf the internet:

1) the only computer with internet access is located openly in the family room
2) I have the children's passwords to any and all forums that they may visit (i.e. myspace) and frequently (daily) check their histories
3) I limit the children to 30 minutes a day in electronics (i.e. tv, internet, gameboy, phone, etc)
4) I am the only one to "allow" friends on the children's accounts, which are set to "private"
5) I do not allow my children to visit sites where I know the administration does not take an active role in keeping them safe from predators, those where inappropriate avatars and signatures are allowed, or any other "pedophile's paradise" (my children are certainly not permitted in AD)
6) I notify my children's school of any sites I feel are inappropriate (AD is on their list of forbidden websites)