Kathy Kaehler's Workout class


Active Member
May 13, 2003
Reaction score

I would say give a try to buy and work out with Kathy Kaehler's
Workout basics: is a thumb up... I sat down and watch the whole time of
work out. Because I want to get the idea to give a better review of
this DVD for everyone.

I have to say the C.C. was very awesome on this.
The Captions are very bold and clear.
It is easy to follow even if you are exercising.

I would use this Workout as I am doing this 3-4 times a week.. I
would recommend for you to use this if you are very commitments to
your exercises.

In this Workout class, I would have to buy a Platform but Kathy also
recommend to have a masking tape and tape it on floor - same size
as of platform.

When I use them, I could feel my legs begin so Achy, as I haven't
exercise in a long time, I start it about few months ago.

Anyhow, I feel so comfortable using Kathy's motivations on this
exercises. Because I could follow her as Everyone isn't going fast.

My suggest, If you haven't excerise in a long time, or is not in a
good shape, check with your doctor on his/her recommend on
using this exercise.

It does makes me want to do exercise now but I can't do them yet,
because it's 10 30 PM so I will do my exercise in the morning on DVD.
So I could add more reviewing. I need to add 1 more.. This exercise
is very comfortable for me to exercise. I feel great about myself!
That's great and sure sounds interesting...bottom line, doing this or any form of exercises--being happy and content with yourself is what's important, not doing it for the sake of what others may think! Sooo...go for it and keep us posted! ;)
Roadrunner said:
That's great and sure sounds interesting...bottom line, doing this or any form of exercises--being happy and content with yourself is what's important, not doing it for the sake of what others may think! Sooo...go for it and keep us posted! ;)

this does sound interesting..

I have to agree with you about being happy and content with yourself is what's important, not doing it for the sake of what other may think!

Thank you RoadRunner....

however, I like to add to this topic for everyone on my reviewing, I have Exercise along with them more and smoothly, and I also bought platform that I am trying to get use to it, I think I need a bigger one, the store I went didn't have the one that Every exercise has that platform but at least I use something! Woohoo! more burn out with the platform! so My recommend for this DVD ?? Is You should use them and exercise along with Kathy and the group, This workout is an awesome! and a good burn out calories.. I sweat big time! this is what I recommend to do them I could feel the burning on my thighs, upper legs, calfs, abs, arm, between shoulder blades etc this is what i would recommend..

Miss*Pinocchio said:
Why don't we have a deaf person making an exercise tape?

How about you do it ?
since you said you did study for filmking ? so Why don't you try do that and do with deaf person that will do it, or a person that knows sign and do exercise, but for me ? NO I don't go front of camera! :nana:

But I think Kim would think about the suggest that you just brought it up..
