Just Today


New Member
Mar 21, 2004
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Just Because

Just today you approached me
Saying I'm the one to blame
For the trouble you went through
Just because I knew your name
Doesn't mean I'd lie for you
Just because I was with you
Doesn't mean I'd die for you

All I did was point the delinquent out
Responsible for the great destruction
The cause of pain, broken bottles laid about
Just because you left your keys in the car
Doesn't mean I was the only one left there

All I did was grab this cool, sober college guy
And I was dragging my knees, begging, if he could give me a ride

"The kid that drove me here has drunken himself near death; I don't know how to drive,
"Everyone else I came with is out cold or drunk – I don’t want to get in a crash and die,”
"I can't call my mama because she's blind; I refuse to walk home under the midnight sky.
"I can't call my dad because he's a junkie – He's somewhere shooting up or getting high.
"I can't call any of my relatives because I left them when I realized I was living a lie.
"They lied to me; my parents were told I was dead, they don't know I'm still alive.
"Can't you see, mister o' nice guy, I'm a daughter rejected by her own blood and life?"

Well, this college guy, pulled my back on my feet,
Lifted and carried me as I cried on his shoulder,
To his truck and helped me in, I couldn't see
What was going on, but a feeling of a ton-pound boulder
Began to life off my back, off my head, off my mind
It was when I saw his face and knew by a flash
I'm safe and going back – back to where I belong in my time
I was tied to a stone for so long but now I'm rescued at last.
Now, this is making my eyes watery here.....Very Deep poem and moved too!..Good One!... ;)