just sayin..


Active Member
Oct 5, 2008
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lol.. It is not a good idea to try to wax your legs by yourself on carpet... lol

I am still pulling dust bunnies off my legs ever after I showered LOL :giggle:

at least after I pull them off I will have smooth legs! hahahaha
:lol: Another lesson to write in my book. Carpet and leg wax do not mix. :lol:
LOL! A tough lesson u had to learn there! :)
LOL.. yes! those boxes should put a warning lable on it : DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME ON THE CARPET! lol
:lol: I will have to remember that wax and carpets don't mix when I wax my legs.
Too funny! But Im really curious - does it hurt when you yank hairs off? I HATE it when they wax me but doing it myself, wow, wouldnt that be more painful? You brave girl!

When I do muster up courage to inflict pain on thyself, I will heed the morale of your story ;D
Dang, Im glad I don't have to shave legs. few times I wax part of eyebrow, hurts bad enough thank you.
Oh no, Candy. I sure hope the pain and the dust particles clear up.