Judge Sutton and ADA's loss


New Member
Feb 28, 2003
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we lost.

Release Date: April 18, 2003

On Tuesday, April 29, the U.S. Senate will vote on Jeffrey Sutton’s nomination to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. It is time to act. It is time to Stop Sutton!
Stop Sutton Rally

DATE: April 29, 2003
TIME: 10:00 AM EST
LOCATION: U.S. Capitol Building, Mansfield Room (S 211).

Come to Washington, DC on the day of the Sutton vote! The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) and other disability organizations will stage a rally throughout the day to demonstrate to our nation’s Senators that we will not step aside and watch our rights be undermined by Sutton’s appointment!

We must send a strong and visible message that we will not tolerate any attempts to roll back our civil rights!” said Kelby Brick, director of the NAD Law and Advocacy Center (LAC).

The NAD will send out more information as soon as possible. The NAD only asks our community members to rally during crises that will impact the entire deaf and hard of hearing community. If Sutton is appointed, it will send a negative reverberation throughout the disability community. Sutton is a genuine threat to disability rights; we must stop his appointment to the Sixth Circuit Appeals Court!

At the beginning of the rally, we will join Sen. Tom Harkin to protest the Sutton nomination on Tuesday, April 29 at 10:00 AM EST at the U.S. Capitol Building, Mansfield Room (S 211).

"People with disabilities understand how tenuous their hold on their civil rights is today. The Supreme Court has chipped away a little bit here, a little bit there on the Americans with Disabilities Act. There are still those in our country who believe we should not have had that law. Mr. Sutton, obviously, is one of those. He says it wasn't needed," said Senator Tom Harkin.

Sutton Threatens Disability Rights
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals is just one step away from the Supreme Court. The NAD is opposed to Sutton’s nomination. Sutton, a States' Rights ideologue, has aggressively fought against the ADA, Olmstead and many other civil rights protections that protect Americans with disabilities.

The NAD is not opposing Sutton because he happened to represent clients we disagree with. We oppose Sutton because of his outspoken activism against Federal civil rights protections for people with disabilities and other minorities has left him unfit to be an impartial judge. Sutton’s commitment is to ideology not to justice.

Act Now! Stop Sutton!
You can still make a difference! Please educate your Senators, the media, and the general public about the danger that Sutton poses to disability rights.

Call your Senator’s office and asking them to speak out and vote against Sutton’s nomination. To find out who your Senator is and their contact information, please visit http://www.senate.gov/

Please check this website often for news and updates.
AHHHHHHHHHHHH thats SOO craped out....

wished i could be there for this rally cuz ADA stands for our rights not for the inexcuseable man who thinks its not needed RME