Judge John G. Roberts Jr. Bush Choice


New Member
Jun 4, 2004
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I'm picking up strong wind Judge John G. Roberts Jr. is Bush's choice to replace Sandra Oconner.


Now who is he?

He was turned down by democrats when George H Bush nominated him.He will be confirmed cause today word for democrats is NUCLEAR OPTION...Can You say Nuclear Option? Mr tom delay sure can.
Based on his views on the Toyota v. Williams case he is bent on narrowing the definition of disability.

He may have trouble seeing that deaf people are disabled by coming up aith language like "deaf people can do anything but hear and are not considered disabled" or "deaf people can drive, deaf people can work using tools" or "deaf people can do work that does not involve the use of the ears and therefore not disabled".

Got a link to his opinion in Toyota v. Williams, Nesmuth?

I think the definition of disabled could use some narrowing -- I've met some people who aren't disabled that abuse the system, and it's very similar to those that abuse welfare.
Finally, John Roberts was sworn in today.
Now I am curious to see who the President nominates to fill Justice O'Connor's position.
i saw on television about it and he swore to become supreme Judge and he really smart man!

and also his sons in the news about his actions of President Bush's speech and lots of more! they're talking about "Jack is back"

Sara Boyce