Jiro & Me Finally Met! ^_^

:o :o :o ....

didn't you know there's another word for that?

jiro, really cute. *insert jiro's half-ass smile here*
i think freckles likes my (__|__)
wonder how did this pix thread turn into ass thread :hmm:
Looks like a good time and some good pho (yes, I've been to a couple joints in the SF bay, yum!).

Shoot, I hope whoever's doing the next meet (or whatever...I'm a noob)....I hope someone has a list of places to eat at....love trying great food.
the hell with jiro . what were you doing at Goldman Sachs ? internship? if so will you give us insider tips? if you do we can ignore the fact you are HOH and bestow the DEAF title on you if your tips makes us rich.
on a side note. where are the pics of you chasing the NAKED SINGING COWBOY around times square?
the hell with jiro . what were you doing at Goldman Sachs ? internship? if so will you give us insider tips? if you do we can ignore the fact you are HOH and bestow the DEAF title on you if your tips makes us rich.
on a side note. where are the pics of you chasing the NAKED SINGING COWBOY around times square?

Haha, actually, Goldman Sachs invited me to visit their NYC HQ for a day. All I had to do was to send in my resume. It seems like they were trying to recruit me and other college students, and get us to learn more about the firm and meet people inside. They did encourage me to apply for internship, especially for summer internships, which I will! :)

Hrmm, what do you want to know about Goldman Sachs? There's so many divisions and aspects of Goldman Sachs that they need all different kind of people with different backgrounds.

Wait...naked singing cowboy?! Where?! When?! I'll have to find that the next time I come to NYC :) :)
Wait...naked singing cowboy?! Where?! When?! I'll have to find that the next time I come to NYC :) :)

he's always there at Times Square everyday.
