Jeep & Relationship


If You Know What I Mean
Premium Member
Apr 27, 2007
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just came across this thread - '96 Jeep Cherokee: Need Opinions -

mkpopcorn from Lakewood, OH said -
So, my boyfriend bought a '96 Cherokee (XJ) SE, for way too much, like around $3,000. It broke down and he has put another $2,500 in it and totally rebuilt the engine and did a lot of after market work on it. He has and will do all the labor himself, he refuses to pay for labor. Now, he finds out that the motor needs to be taken back out and fixed again and is looking at another $700. I said he should just sell it and wipe his hands clean, he says he won't make enough.

Firstly, what is your guys' opinion on what he should do? Secondly, how much do you think he could make parting it versus just the whole car as is?

Thanks for your guys' opinions!

and wgirvine from Rosamond, CA replied -
You want my opinion? Ok…

Shut the hell up. You’re not his wife. You’re not paying for the repairs. It’s absolutely none of your business what he does with his Jeep or his money. I know your type well… first it’s “Sell the Jeep because it’s costing too much money.” Then it’s “No, you can’t go spend the weekend with your buddies because I need you to take me shopping.” Then it’s “Oh gee, honey… I’m pregnant. Gosh, I have no idea how that happened.”

You’re a DreamKiller. You kill a guy’s dreams, take away his future, tie him down with a fat mortgage and too many babies, and turn him into just another miserable guy wondering, “How the hell did I get here?”

Do you really want to help him? Here’s what you do… go to your local library (it’s a big building with books inside) and check out a couple of books on rebuilding engines. Read them, over and over, until YOU understand what needs to be done. Then help him get that engine out and rebuild it. Tie your hair back in a ponytail, put on some old jeans and get your hands dirty. Hand him wrenches, hold the light, pull the wire connectors apart, help him get the hood off… help him with anything he needs. When he gets tired, run inside and make him a hot lunch or dinner. Fix him coffee, hot chocolate, whatever he wants. (But NO beer. Beer is for when the job is done.)

Then when the day is over and you’re both exhausted from working on the engine, push him into a hot shower and jump in with him. Scrub his back, wash his hair, rinse him off, and dry him with fluffy towels still hot from the dryer. Then push him into bed and screw his ears off. Then get up the next day and do it all over again.

Make him realize that rebuilding an engine is a slow and methodical process. Make him realize that every step should be regarded as surgery; every step must be perfect… perfect torque, perfect fit, perfectly clean. If you run into a step that you just can’t figure out, ask for help from someone who knows what he’s doing. Are you cute? Put on a low-cut top, show some cleavage and go (by yourself) to the local Jeep shop, and explain to the guys that you are helping your boyfriend to rebuild his engine and neither of you can figure out this one little step, and do they have any advice…

Think it won’t work? Think again. We guys love to help cute girls, even if they have a boyfriend. (Hey, maybe you’ve got a sister, or girlfriend…)

But absolutely DO NOT whine or complain. Do not say a single negative thing. Not a single “Oooooo, I broke a nail.” If you break a nail, or cut your finger, or bang a knuckle, you just shut up and DEAL WITH IT. You should be a hopelessly optomistic, never-say-die cheerleader, encouraging him every step of the way.

That’s my opinion.

what do you think?
just came across this thread - '96 Jeep Cherokee: Need Opinions -

mkpopcorn from Lakewood, OH said -

and wgirvine from Rosamond, CA replied -

what do you think?

Well, if I had a husband, I am not telling him what to do since he's an adult and that that's his decision. For me, I'd sell my jeep because it's old and I am NOT spending another dime on the jeep's repairs.
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OMG! brutal statement! :jaw:

A passive lady will make this guy the luckiest one alive!
A dominating one sure will make his life a miserable one!

I guess the question is which one is you? :io:
yup. saw it from my nissan forum. fella from land rover and corvette forums pitched in too.

Yup, gotta land rover, saw this posted on the rover sites. Hasn't made it to the Porsche sites...maybe I'll be the one. :giggle:

Honestly, and this is just my opinion, more detail needs to be posted before we can judge this guy for being a complete idiot for buying a 96 XJ for $3k. If it's heavily upgraded with things like a rubicon express lift kit or something then that's not bad but if it's all stock setup, then she should leave the guy. Think about it, who here wants stupid kids? no one! If he's not smart enough to research that he could get a 96 XJ for half that, then he's just not that bright. Hell, he could get a 96 GRAND cherokee for half that! As far as $2500 in upgrades, I think that's cheap. Anyone who's never bought upgrades are so quick to say how much it should cost, but reality is that upgrades will cost you more than double or even triple the cost of the vehicle sometimes. $2500 is very low, ESPECIALLY when you think that included an engine! I have $2500 in JUST my front bumper and winch for my land rover, and in order to install an ARB front bumper and winch you have to do many other upgrades such as heavy duty front springs to keep the font end up from the weight, this calls for more money. And to control the additional weight, you'll need to upgrade the steering stabilizer and to control those heavy duty front springs you need better shocks, you can see how this can add up REALLY fast. In short: Jeep: overpaid, Upgrades: good deal, Guy: Possible idiot, possibly not

As for the response, I think the guy was a little harsh, but honest. I agree with a lot of what he's saying, most actually. I'm a car guy, my vehicles are a great way not to cheat. If your bf is working on his car and spending money on it, then shouldn't you feel better that you actually KNOW and can see where his time and money is going? Instead of that "not sure where that $2500 went" and find out it was for another girls ring or for her car. If I get angry, I work on one of my vehicles, if I'm bored I work on one of my vehicles, keeps me out of trouble :D. As for the guy who responded; It's clearly obvious that he either has a controlling gf and can't say anything to her, or has been in a controlling relationship-he's experienced. :P
Not sure why that thing went viral. It's not funny, nor cleverly written. I think the woman had a legit concern to begin with. Her boyfriend did pay too much for a shitty old Cherokee and probably made it worse by trying to fix it himself. :dunno:
It's okay to give your opinion. And I think she simply did. "Yea I think you should just sell it, IMO."

But getting to the point of whining, threats, etc. Yea that's too far. But did the woman even go that far? Reading the response made me all upset at the woman, I was totally agreeing with the response, but then I went back and read the original question itself... She was asking for advice on what CAN the guy do..

Pfft... it's kinda funny how people get so hyped up by something they agree with (which I totally did), but sometimes you have to stop and examine the actual event/thing that elicited the response. And to me, the response should have been saved for a woman who actually was whining and threatening to break up with the guy if he didn't sell the car.
It's okay to give your opinion. And I think she simply did. "Yea I think you should just sell it, IMO."

But getting to the point of whining, threats, etc. Yea that's too far. But did the woman even go that far? Reading the response made me all upset at the woman, I was totally agreeing with the response, but then I went back and read the original question itself... She was asking for advice on what CAN the guy do..

Pfft... it's kinda funny how people get so hyped up by something they agree with (which I totally did), but sometimes you have to stop and examine the actual event/thing that elicited the response. And to me, the response should have been saved for a woman who actually was whining and threatening to break up with the guy if he didn't sell the car.

The door's over there.

I want the woman described in the second post. The helpful one. :)

Theres no need to change all that because of the OP. The second post stands no matter what :D

OOOHHH, now I see. You want a woman to help you no matter what kind of dumb mistakes you make. :)
Not sure why that thing went viral. It's not funny, nor cleverly written. I think the woman had a legit concern to begin with. Her boyfriend did pay too much for a shitty old Cherokee and probably made it worse by trying to fix it himself. :dunno:

you must be a woman
It's okay to give your opinion. And I think she simply did. "Yea I think you should just sell it, IMO."

But getting to the point of whining, threats, etc. Yea that's too far. But did the woman even go that far? Reading the response made me all upset at the woman, I was totally agreeing with the response, but then I went back and read the original question itself... She was asking for advice on what CAN the guy do..

Pfft... it's kinda funny how people get so hyped up by something they agree with (which I totally did), but sometimes you have to stop and examine the actual event/thing that elicited the response. And to me, the response should have been saved for a woman who actually was whining and threatening to break up with the guy if he didn't sell the car.

she basically want to get all the info to convince him to sell the junk.
OOOHHH, now I see. You want a woman to help you no matter what kind of dumb mistakes you make. :)

which is part of learning process. in the long run - she would be appreciative of him if he is able to fix her car for free.