I've been told ASL is "going out"?

The majority of the ACT scores are between 15 and 20... So my counselor doesn't think it would be worth my money for me to go there...

I've looked at their website a bajillion times and would really love to do their program. Most colleges up here in MI don't offer a program in education with hearing impaired people. The only one I found was from a link someone posted on here for MSU, and their tuition is pretty much the same as Gallaudet's. My mom just likes that MSU is 1.5 hours away versus 12. I think you are losing the community big time by going to MSU, and I really want the community part of it..

I'm so confused!

Camerachick, I believe you can take courses at other colleges while a student at Gally. Yanno, I was wearign a Gally hoodie in DC and people told me that "oh that's a good school!"
BTW, if you want to go to Gally the correct term is deaf/hard of hearing education, NOT hearing impaired education. Gay and lesbian people aren't hetrosexual impaired, so why would you call dhh people hearing impaired? It was popular in the 90's, but damn it just sounds so clinical.
GO to Gally, the community aspect of it is AMAZING. Plus, sine you want to go into teaching, you'd be able to network with all the dhh programs and schools! You could even practice teach at Kendall or MSSD!
and Camera, it would be such an AMAZING oppertunity for you! You will discover yourself as a Deaf person and become truely fluent in ASL...Going to Gally and being immersed in ASL vs going to a small state program that has maybe 15 ASL users is like the difference between a semester abroad to live in France or Quebec vs taking courses at a mainly English speaking university.
I also know of SO many HOH folks who wish they'd gone to Gally or NTID vs a hearing school.
I'm deaf myself, but I would not advise you to just go to deaf college just because you're deaf.

I went to Northern Illinois University. THey do have a small deaf program there, but if I was to do it again, I may have went to Gallaudet or RIT. I wasn't happy about lack of friends I made out at NIU.

The sad thing is that if looking for a job, a lot of interviewers will look at your resume and think "Gallaudet, what?".

Yeah, college should be the best time of your life and sadly I did not have it. Just take your time with college choice. Don't go there just because your counselor said so. She is paid to look after you academically, not socially.

I'm not going there just because I'm deaf. I want to work with deaf people, and I'm HOH at this point.
I'm deaf myself, but I would not advise you to just go to deaf college just because you're deaf.

I went to Northern Illinois University. THey do have a small deaf program there, but if I was to do it again, I may have went to Gallaudet or RIT. I wasn't happy about lack of friends I made out at NIU.

The sad thing is that if looking for a job, a lot of interviewers will look at your resume and think "Gallaudet, what?".

Yeah, college should be the best time of your life and sadly I did not have it. Just take your time with college choice. Don't go there just because your counselor said so. She is paid to look after you academically, not socially.

my husband and i graduated from gallaudet. we both have jobs. It's all about work hard such as the internships. some people have heard gallaudet before some people dont.
I'm thankful for ASL.....a lot of elderly/retired people depend upon ASL, especially those who are HH or slowly losing their hearing to age. All my boys know some limited ASL, only 2 sisters know limited ASL as well.....and I realize that as the retirees age, along with their hearing, their eyes weaken also, and the many years of concentration and lip-reading takes it's toll....among other health problems, such as arthritis in their hands.....
I met with my counselor today to discuss options with college and such. I want to go to Gallaudet for teaching and specializing with deaf students. My counselor said that sign language isn't really "in style" anymore and nobody uses sign language. She even said that she doesn't see a point in learning sign language when deaf students lip read nowadays. Is this true? I thought that deaf students were taught in sign language?

WOW! your counselor must be a suppressor of the deaf/hoh. he/she should be reporteed for ethics issues. I am telling you - that counseelor doesnt even know whats he/she talking about....

Also, I don't really know that my counselor understands the situation. I'm one of three HOH students in my high school (out of 800 students). A school just down the road from mine is starting an ASL program in the fall, so I know that schools are starting to teach it as a foreign language now. I was sure that ASL usage wasn't decreasing, but I just wanted to be sure. I thought it was kinda weird that she thought people just lip read. Glad she thinks so, because there is no way I could depend on lip reading...

no one in their right mind is going to lipread 100% of the time as its very energy draining. Also look at NASA. they are using sign language for their robots for a backup plan in case communication equipment fails. parants of newborns like to teach their babies signs. ASL/sign language is a very much needed form of communication, not just for the deaf/hoh.
you said that your counselor has taught deaf people 20 years ago but think about it 20 years is quite long time since then and there were quite LOT things that has been improving since then. Not all deaf people can read lips that EASY. I can read lips little bit but it only depend on how they talk. Some people are hard to understand when they mumble or have mustache over lips. I think it time for your counselor to update her education on deaf culture no offensive. heck i am bad at asl signing as well but i need to improve my signs >.>

oh other thing i want mention this. I am sure your counselor havent thought of this but IF she think read lips is in business but HOW can they communicate with only lip reading method? o.O
Your counselor is an idiot.

Don't do not that that insult counsellor! words OP

be caereul

Own choice ,

I am experience myself skills level on best job how experience research my job and plus on increase, level I do give deserves I help you advise to effort to community i mind! I community pleasure

fail understand I attending to counsellor professional strictly! counsellor strictly support help do it best match on my quality :) I do know how quality evaluation match on high quality ASL interpreter expert! counsellor knew already match me! counselor knew me I do best effort successfully :) Best job no fail I do successfully pass good work! they help me best improve happy! consellor handle on find out on knew on language match my skills high and pral I am final! I am happy! lucky I got job!
I met with my counselor today to discuss options with college and such. I want to go to Gallaudet for teaching and specializing with deaf students. My counselor said that sign language isn't really "in style" anymore and nobody uses sign language. She even said that she doesn't see a point in learning sign language when deaf students lip read nowadays. Is this true? I thought that deaf students were taught in sign language?

My boss said the exact same thing recently. My boss, however, is an idiot.

Don't listen to your counselor; she is mis-informed.
she should be fired for cultural insensitiveness and professional misconduct
^ Agree 100%. Like the counselor would know, given that she doesn't even use the language. Egghead.
I met with my counselor today to discuss options with college and such. I want to go to Gallaudet for teaching and specializing with deaf students. My counselor said that sign language isn't really "in style" anymore and nobody uses sign language. She even said that she doesn't see a point in learning sign language when deaf students lip read nowadays. Is this true? I thought that deaf students were taught in sign language?
To put it bluntly, your counselor is an ignoramus. American Sign Language is a real, functional language that is used by a distinct cultural group in the United States (and some other parts of the world). It's not about being fashionable or "in style", it's how members of that cultural group interact with each other and transmit their culture from one generation to the next. To suggest that you shouldn't bother with ASL because it's apparently not trendy enough is one of the dumbest things your counselor could have said.
To put it bluntly, your counselor is an ignoramus. American Sign Language is a real, functional language that is used by a distinct cultural group in the United States (and some other parts of the world). It's not about being fashionable or "in style", it's how members of that cultural group interact with each other and transmit their culture from one generation to the next. To suggest that you shouldn't bother with ASL because it's apparently not trendy enough is one of the dumbest things your counselor could have said.

Thank you all so much, I don't even know what to say! I'm planning on continuing my plan of working with Deaf people and LEARNING sign language. :)
Thank you all so much, I don't even know what to say! I'm planning on continuing my plan of working with Deaf people and LEARNING sign language. :)

You can do that by going to Gally and becoming fluent in ASL......
I met with my counselor today to discuss options with college and such. I want to go to Gallaudet for teaching and specializing with deaf students. My counselor said that sign language isn't really "in style" anymore and nobody uses sign language. She even said that she doesn't see a point in learning sign language when deaf students lip read nowadays. Is this true? I thought that deaf students were taught in sign language?

WTF!! Does your counselor watch TV at all??? I see candidates with interpreters on stage with them. The governor of my state has a interpreter with him when he goes to town meetings to meet the public. I think you need a new counselor ... I had one a case worker that told me I could not be a social worker because I was HOH!! This was years ago and I wish I had gotten a new case worker!
^ It's always interesting to me how much some people want to limit other people by always saying "you can't do this, you can't do that." I think they're just afraid of how successful you just might be.
....and more to the point WHY the F*ck is this counsellor doing just THAT!!!