Ive been kicked out of school!!!

By the way can you get a federal loan as I dont remember the name of my loan but it was VERRRRY low interest rate like 1.2 percent when I was done with school. (upon graudation the interest starts) its zero percent interest when I was still in school? I paid it off in no time.

Stanford Loans, you have to apply for them BEFORE you take classes.
Stanford Loans, you have to apply for them BEFORE you take classes.

That is Stafford Loans, and eligibility amounts are determined from your FAFSA. Several other loan elibibilities, as well as grant monies, ar determined at the same time. While it is better to complete your FAFSA several months prior to the beginning of your classes, you can fill out a FAFSA at any point.
That is Stafford Loans, and eligibility amounts are determined from your FAFSA. Several other loan elibibilities, as well as grant monies, ar determined at the same time. While it is better to complete your FAFSA several months prior to the beginning of your classes, you can fill out a FAFSA at any point.

Right, I had Stanford and Sons running through my head at the moment! LOL
So far I have tried contacting former employers to allow me to work in the evenings temporarily while I work OT during the day at the plant, for at least until I am able to come up with the money. So far I havent been able to get in touch with them. Im left feeling like banging my head against a brick wall.

I have to speak with my boss tomorrow and pray like a fucker that something's come through.

Should I get this resolved where I can finish out the semester I will be applying for a single parents scholarship for the spring semester that will take care of part of the tuition, but as I said before I refuse to take no for an answer.

From here on out anytime we work a Saturday at work, I will be working a double-shift to pull in extra money and I will be putting it back for tuition. I want to go to college and I want to finish, but if I can help finishing without facing a mountain of debt, then that's the way to go. If I get things completely my way, for the next 2-3 weeks I'll be working 10 hours a day at the plant and another 8-10 at night cleaning offices.

The easiest way however is to just out right ask for a private loan, but not sure if that is feasible.
I am surprised that your school will not help you. Surely you are not the only person who is going through hardship to pay for an education? Couldn't you ask your teachers for advice; they may even have spare books that they can loan, etc?

How will you find time to study after exhausting yourself with work? Is is possible to study part-time, so that you can pay less fees?

I sincerely hope things work out for you.
Omega I was carrying only six hours for the semester and working full-time.

Ive pushed myself to the edge of finding myself in the hospital, I'd do it again to see that I am able to get re-instated to finish the semester instead of having to start all over again in the spring.
Omega I was carrying only six hours for the semester and working full-time.

Ive pushed myself to the edge of finding myself in the hospital, I'd do it again to see that I am able to get re-instated to finish the semester instead of having to start all over again in the spring.

Good Luck Dixie, you have my prayer. :)
I will keep you in my prayers in the hope that it will all work out. I myself am finding it hard to take any courses at the local college. I'm not planning on taking anything except ASL courses and I can't afford that. When I contact them for help, they tell me to check the website and apply. The website doesn't answer any questions. I guess I need to go there in person and explain what I need and see what they can do.

Good luck and I will pary harder for you!!
I heard nothing today as the person I need to speak with today was not found. I will call them tomorrow morning on my cell while I am at work as I believe they were in Dallas today by chance. Not going to say who or why.

Ive halfway given up on that option and I finally made contact with a former employer this afternoon to see about doing some work for them in the evenings temporarily until I came up with the money, they unfortunately are not in any need of extra help but they said they would "keep me in mind". Im afraid by the time anything comes through on that it will be too late. After that I spoke with my pastor to see if they needed anything done around the church - nothing. I am getting quite frustrated and feel like I am losing it.

At this point I am ready for something good to happen. Im tired of losing everytime I turn around. Im not about to give up, but my patience is wearing thin. So far all I have raised so far towards the 1200 is $417.

Tonight I am going to sort everything out that I am going to sell, then tomorrow afterwork I am going to park my truck at a busy intersection in town and sell everything I can right out the back of my truck. I know my laptop and my camera alone can get around $500 together, but I will sell those last as I woul like to keep them, but at the same time I will sell them if I have to.

For now I plan on selling my DVDs, CDs, books, stereo, clothes, and shoes. Hopefully that will bring in something.