Its time to bring back the draft.

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Oct 28, 2004
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Fox news has said that Syria & Iran linked to mosul attack. We need to draft mostly 18-19 year olds into the military. We need enough soldiers to invade iran and syria. Theres no link because fox news just said this 5 minutes ago.
wish them luck for 18 to 19 yr olds...

but.. why only men?
we don't need to draft anyone and we don't need to invade anyone, we have no business in most of the countries were in now...

we have seen enough 18 and 19 yr olds die for no reason,

we just need to get rid of the morons running this country then the soldiers we have now will be more then enough
bbnt said:
we don't need to draft anyone and we don't need to invade anyone, we have no business in most of the countries were in now...

we have seen enough 18 and 19 yr olds die for no reason,

we just need to get rid of the morons running this country then the soldiers we have now will be more then enough

I agree with you. They do not need to drafting any more male ages 18 to 20 yrs old. They do not deserve to die.
ravensteve1961 said:
YOO HOO!!! Have you forgoten what happend on 9-11?

Of course not. But we’ve already eradicated the threat to national security in Iraq, if indeed there ever even was one—even that’s open to a considerable amount of conjecture. The biggest problem is that this is rapidly turning into another Vietnam. We go in, make a complete mess out of everything, and then we can’t figure out how to back out of it without having egg on our faces. Reminds of that line from MASH where Frank Burns says "this isn’t a war—it’s a police action". To which Hawkeye replies "then why don’t we send the cops"?
Good idea. Why dont you call the LAPD see if they can bust some iraqis for disorderly conduct.
Ravensteve, I gotta hand it to you. You really do come up with a good one once in a while. :lol:
i gotta agree with steve on this one.

the point liberals seem to miss is that syria and iran are THE REASON so many 19 and 20 years olds are dying over there. without them meddling this would have been over a long time ago....what did it take to finally put japan in its place?

now im not saying we need to nuke the middle east, what i AM saying is we need a swift and decisive military action...none on this pussyfooting around trying to mobilize forces for multiple encounters, moving them from one fight to the next...not only will this bring swift end to the problem, more soldiers would be able to rotate out like they are supposed to...instead soldiers are focred to serve multiple tours.

women are still not allowed in combat, so they should not be drafted...however it should not be limited to 19-20 year olds...17-35 is the draft age i believe.
You see,,Not everyone agrees with me because liberals dont understand what the word WAR means. WAR is a very harsh word to liberals and they dont like the word WAR even we been atacked. Liberals belive if you been attacked just turn the other cheek. Like al gore would had done if we were attacked on 9-11. Bill Clinton ignored terrorist attacks too. He did nothing about the 1st WTC attack. He did nothing about the attack on the US embassy in somilia. He did nothing about the USS cole attack. George bush is the only man to do something about the middle east.
the embassy was in africa, somalia was a military operation to oust a tribal dictator that was starving hundreds of thousands of people.
the point liberals seem to miss is that syria and iran are THE REASON so many 19 and 20 years olds are dying over there. without them meddling this would have been over a long time ago....what did it take to finally put japan in its place?
good grief... honestly, people completely missed the point, not us, liberals. But it is obviously pointless for me to discuss further anyway. It is obviously that there isn't any link between 9/11 and Iraq. White House announced several days ago that they gave up looking for Bin Laden again.

ravensteve, if you and your pals want the draft so badly, it is ok with me but as long as you, especially bush voters should send their own children (17-35) to the war and save the draft trouble? Since you, bush voters love to war so... Ever think about that one? I guess not. My solution will solve the draft problem for once and all. But wait, I always forget that your pals are chickenhawks who tend to try everything to avoid to fight in the war while we, democrats are fighting and die for our freedom and democracy (that if there is any). Damn it, I keep forgetting about chickenhawks.

Don't believe me? Ok, check these links out: NEWS; Chickenhawks

Of course, Taylor is not even part of that party that I was talking about. He have enough sense to flattening me down and I am sure as hell hope that he will understand that I am not offending him but I offer my solution to draft problem that ravensteve ranted about. ravensteve, go forth and be multiply so Bush can get your child to fight and die for useless war. I usually am not that 'cold' like you but I want to pose as you for once.
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ravensteve1961, Why don't you go down there. If you think the war is so important. ;)

YOO HOO!!! Have you forgoten what happend on 9-11?

and 9/11 did not cause from Saddam anyways it cause from Bin. And Whoo hoo why didn't Bush get Bin first? There is your answer. :whistle:
Cheri said:
ravensteve1961, Why don't you go down there. If you think the war is so important. ;)

and 9/11 did not cause from Saddam anyways it cause from Bin. And Whoo hoo why didn't Bush get Bin first? There is your answer. :whistle:
Honestly, I don't think ravensteve even know that Bin Laden is the one who cause the 9/11. But again, that's my opinion.
i was in the military but got out before 9/11, and my brother is in iraq right we're doing our part...time for you to put up

the link between 9/11 and iraq is the fact that a) there were terrorist training camps in iraq. b) saddam disobeyed U.N. sanctions for over 13 years, SOMEONE had to do something, the UN wasn't going to do jack shit....and c) it was the right thing to do.

after 9/11, we were no longer able to tolerate terrorism existing in the world...i guarantee you, after 9/11, you were just like us...lets go get em, kills those 3 years later, you suddenly lost the memory of what it was like that day..if you can tolerate terrorism in the world, than i pray you or people like you never come into power in this country. we're able to do something about it, so we are. apathy is just as evil and any other evil in this world, if we close our eyes and turn our head, it won't go away.
Cheri said:
ravensteve1961, Why don't you go down there. If you think the war is so important. ;)
Id would serve my country in a new york minute. Cheri you know who pat tilman was? That guy is a hero in my eyes. He turned down a million dollar pro contract to serve his country. I even held a banner at the ravens game pat tilman is my true hero, Ray lewis is my second hero and the ravens fans huged me for it. Cause they understand not only pat tilman was an NFL star he was a good example how americans should show patriotism instead of capitalism.
Avenged and Raven,
We're like 10 yrs away from using robots as soldiers. No need for a draft.

No doubt those robots will be quoting Scriptures while killing.
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