Its a great feeling when you help Deaf/Hoh


Premium Member
Aug 1, 2010
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Its a great feeling when you finally get somthing done that will help Deaf/Hoh people in the community.

Let me start from the begining. At work we have ticket windows that have hearing loops for Deaf/Hoh people. so one day i decided to actually use it for once and i noticed that the loop was really quiet and hard to hear anything. So i contacted the facilitys department who manage all repairs/upgrades and i explained the problem. They gave me some BS excuse about not being able to adjust is because of the PA system but they didnt give me the name of the engineer that works for us and designed the system. I spoke to him and explained the problem and he was very thankful for the feedback because he has never got any feedback. After sending emails back and forth for about a week he upgraded the system and told me that before the upgrade it was not meeting australian standards and was 12db too quiet (The sales rep from the amp company did that test). It works great with the new amplifier now and the upgrade should be rolled out network wide.

Im so happy that i finally achieved somthing that will have real world benefits for people :wiggle: