It's A Bird, It's A Plane, It's A...What is It?


Active Member
May 1, 2003
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Are you one of those people that believes that a trash can lid swirling across the sky is a genuine alien space craft- a UFO? If you're so brave to post your perspective on the matter that'll be just dandy.


I for one only believe in what I can see, hear, smell, hear and feel. It has to come into the reach of my five senses or else I will view it as falsehood. Now with that in mind, I have never seen a flying disc/strange object in the wind, so that makes me an unbeliever. But that's just me.

How about you? Do you believe in UFOs?
Yep, I believe in them!

They're true... real!

UFO means unidentified flying object.

If I took something and threw it in the air from far away, people wouldn't recognize it right away. Therefore, it's an UFO. If it was identified, then it would no longer be a UFO... right?
why does UFO visit US more than other country?
Is that because US are smart and most culture?
If congress and house allow Bush to have third-term, will UFO go away?
I will never believe in UFOs in that they are from outer space and contain other living forms of life, but Unidentified Flying Objects? Sure. There is a difference between the two.
I believe there's life out there, but I'm not sure about those flying saucers from outer space and people getting abducted. :hmm:
I will never believe in UFOs in that they are from outer space and contain other living forms of life, but Unidentified Flying Objects? Sure. There is a difference between the two.

There is already a life proof in Mars, just lousy bacteria.
Well scientists have found more than 130 planets outside our solar system which are light years away. Some of them are earth-like. I do believe there is life on other planet light years away so they could be visiting us before our eyes. We cannot be the only ones living on this planet.
There is already a life proof in Mars, just lousy bacteria.

That's because life on Mars possibility got destroyed eons ago. Maybe we could find remains of bones or other fossils? We never know.
I do not doubt that life exists elsewhere in the universe. I just can see an ET visiting us from such a remote planet(s).

I have also heard of underwater UFOs. That mystery seems more likely to me for some reason. Go figure. :)
why does UFO visit US more than other country?
Is that because US are smart and most culture?
If congress and house allow Bush to have third-term, will UFO go away?

They visit the US cause we have the most trailer parks for them to choose from when looking for "intelligent" life!!!! :laugh2: :laugh2:
I believe there's life out there, but I'm not sure about those flying saucers from outer space and people getting abducted. :hmm:

I am with you!.... same thing with God! :hmm:
haha funny, schermy! cracked me up after reading what u said! :lol:

Yes i do believe in UFO. I actually saw one when i was 16. we were coming home and i was watching the sky out the window in the car ... then saw a colorful thing red, yellow, blue, green, white, etc moving fast go horizontal then back. when we got home and i ran out of the car and followed it up the the time i got to the hill- it disappeared??? where did it go? there is no way that airplane or helicopter can disappear that fast? I know it is UFO for sure!

Anyone watch UFO hunters on scfi channel? i do... very interesting...

I know there are life out there.... I do believe in that..

Aliens will come to earth in 2010.... thats what sybil browne said in her predictions.. so we will see.... :D

No i am not insane.. i know I was SANE and STILL is SANE then! :)
haha funny, schermy! cracked me up after reading what u said! :lol:

Yes i do believe in UFO. I actually saw one when i was 16. we were coming home and i was watching the sky out the window in the car ... then saw a colorful thing red, yellow, blue, green, white, etc moving fast go horizontal then back. when we got home and i ran out of the car and followed it up the the time i got to the hill- it disappeared??? where did it go? there is no way that airplane or helicopter can disappear that fast? I know it is UFO for sure!

Anyone watch UFO hunters on scfi channel? i do... very interesting...

I know there are life out there.... I do believe in that..

Aliens will come to earth in 2010.... thats what sybil browne said in her predictions.. so we will see.... :D

No i am not insane.. i know I was SANE and STILL is SANE then! :)

UFOs must be real. There is the whole UFO/alien thing going on in Rosewell, NM. A whole town can't be wrong can it? :giggle: :giggle:
haha funny, schermy! cracked me up after reading what u said! :lol:

Yes i do believe in UFO. I actually saw one when i was 16. we were coming home and i was watching the sky out the window in the car ... then saw a colorful thing red, yellow, blue, green, white, etc moving fast go horizontal then back. when we got home and i ran out of the car and followed it up the the time i got to the hill- it disappeared??? where did it go? there is no way that airplane or helicopter can disappear that fast? I know it is UFO for sure!

Anyone watch UFO hunters on scfi channel? i do... very interesting...

I know there are life out there.... I do believe in that..

Aliens will come to earth in 2010.... thats what sybil browne said in her predictions.. so we will see.... :D

No i am not insane.. i know I was SANE and STILL is SANE then! :)


:shock: Sybil said!?? Interesting! :hmm: