It Offical...Another deaf person is leaving.

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New Member
Oct 28, 2004
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Thats me...I said 5 people ignore me and i know who they are. If you want me back youll have convince those 5 people who ignored me say they want me back and ill come back e-mail me at and tell me you want me back. Until then bye everyone :sadwave:
*sighs* u don't really need to POST this issue... it's getting out of hand. I don't want to see anymore AD members leaving.... :(
OldNavyGirl said:
*sighs* u don't really need to POST this issue... it's getting out of hand.

Actually—and I could be wrong on this—I think he really means it. Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out, Steve.
Good Grief,

I should have never came back to AD right after Christmas, my goodness I've seen prenty of drama going on today and yesterday too....I don't quite understand any of this,

Ravensteve ,

Who cares if they put you on ignore list, and I wouldn't care if they did that to me beside it should never effect you from leaving AD....I know you made tons of mistakes that I have lost counts of but I am a forgiving person ... why should you make a big fuss out something so little to begin with, All you have to do is be more careful on the way you create your threads or posts then you wouldn't be where you are at today....I can't speak for the others but for you to forgive those who said that and hopefully things will settle down later on....God I hope so....

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I already told you that I'd like you to stick around, ravensteve.
OMFG! Ravensteve, ignored? Holy Hell Batman!

Stupid sensitive dumbass.

Great job proving to everyone that you're weak.

"OMFG! I was IGNORED! How dare they!!!"

Unconstitional to ignore people? That's rich.

I'd rather you didn't leave us Ravensteve, I love a good controversial thread. But with it all said and done, you're a wimp.

A loudmouthed badass wimp. :pissed:
Ravensteve leaving AD, is this really true? Wow! He really sounded serious, but it could be another come on.....
could be.. may i have some of your popcorn..

::drools:: er... please?

That was a hour and a half ago... you're still here?
Dammit! I've told my wife a million f**king times to stop using my login! :pissed:
Yeah I see Ravensteve is still online on AD now. Steve, I have seen many of your posts that made many people angry. Can you try to soften up your comments and try to blend in with us? As for me, I don't let what people says (including your comments) bother me or make me lose any sleep over this. If I were you, I wouldn't leave just because five ADers put me on an ignore and demand them to apologize me so that I would come back. Life isn't like this, Steve...we can not control people like that. Why would I demand that everyone hear what I say? If some people put me on their ignore what?
if you're still reading this post Ravensteve... WWJD IRL on AD? he would be understanding and forgiving like Angel said... there was few post that some people didn't liked what I posted and should I whine? I dont think so... come on back otherwise have a good life
Ravensteve1961 is leaving!?!?!

:tears: *sob-sob-sob!* :tears:


*sob!* *sniffle-sniffle!* *sob!*


Those are my tears of joy!
geez, gotta love that sobbing tear of joy pic :laugh2: :rofl:
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