It is the Random Question Game.... :):):):)

Naw, I have a strong tongue ;)

When was the last time you kissed your wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend in a public place?

Everyday. :fingersx: I find a boyfriend from web recently and we are so sweet.

Where do you meet your wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend?
I met my husband when he spilled a beer in my lap at a bar.

Do you ever dance in the rain?
Yes, my son and I do, if it hails, we get even louder and crazier! He was born on the west coast so is naturally a puddle hopper. I have also been known to do a raindance to bring on the rain too.

Do you play it safe in life and stick to the status quo mentality or do you live with a free spirit and do what your heart wants?
Yes, my son and I do, if it hails, we get even louder and crazier! He was born on the west coast so is naturally a puddle hopper. I have also been known to do a raindance to bring on the rain too.

Do you play it safe in life and stick to the status quo mentality or do you live with a free spirit and do what your heart wants?

Good question!!!!! I try my best to be a free thinker. I know that sometimes my overly strick upbringing (My daddy was cop who followed every rule) pokes through once in a while but I try. I've been told I'm a non conformist. LOL Must be the biker in me!!! LOL

Pot........Should it be legal or not? If you say not, is that strickly for medical reasons or for all the public in general?
I think that Pot should be legal because Cancer people like to smoke it better than medication? :dunno2:

you will watch World Series Red Sox vs Rockies this Wed night??
I think that Pot should be legal because Cancer people like to smoke it better than medication? :dunno2:

you will watch World Series Red Sox vs Rockies this Wed night??

Yepp I will watch the game.............I'm a cubs fan but I'll be rooting for the Red sox. :)

Are you left or right handed?
I am right handed but can do a few things with my left hand. My boyfreind uses both hands but it screws him up, he has trouble with left and right directions!

Have you decorated your home for the witches New year ~ Samhain, better known as all-hallow's eve or halloween?
I am right handed but can do a few things with my left hand. My boyfreind uses both hands but it screws him up, he has trouble with left and right directions!

Have you decorated your home for the witches New year ~ Samhain, better known as all-hallow's eve or halloween?

Hell yes!!!!!!!!!!! For most people they get into the Christmas thing. Not me.........I even have a halloween Village I set up every year in the living room. I just added few new things to it last week.

Have you ever done drugs?
yep ...smoke pot! :giggle: .. long time ago... Bust in High school by Gym Teacher :lol:

Did you start shopping for a christmas?
Nope, We celebrate the winter solstice and I give out homemade gifts. christmas is for christians, which I am not. We do some gramma and papa stuff with the kids and do give presents but I try to make mine and keep it uncommercial. At least I can teach the kids what the true spirit of christmas is. We do Samhain up real big in my house....and yes, my yard is decorated to the max, every year I make more tombstones and decorations...we are pretty artsy so much of it is homemade...and yes I dress up as a ugly old hag and scare that crap out of all the kids!

How much $$$ do you spend on christmas??
Nope, We celebrate the winter solstice and I give out homemade gifts. christmas is for christians, which I am not. We do some gramma and papa stuff with the kids and do give presents but I try to make mine and keep it uncommercial. At least I can teach the kids what the true spirit of christmas is. We do Samhain up real big in my house....and yes, my yard is decorated to the max, every year I make more tombstones and decorations...we are pretty artsy so much of it is homemade...and yes I dress up as a ugly old hag and scare that crap out of all the kids!

How much $$$ do you spend on christmas??

1 million ;)

Do you own a Sidekick 3?
I can't rememby...........I just got a new set of tires 3 months ago so hope not any time soon!!!!

Have you ever ridden a horse?

Yes and have own a horse Rosie.. used own 6 horses!

Do you have own a mountain bike?
I have a bike but not a moutain bike. My is a pink Diamondback Della Cruz.

Have you ever been to Las Vegas?

I have been to the United States before, but never been to Las Vegas. Have you? ;)

Been to Australia? If not, why?