It been a while


New Member
Jun 7, 2005
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Hey y'all,
It been a while that I have not post or respond for a long time. I was pretty stress to take care of my g-ma (grandma)(it was her nickname, she like me to call her g-ma). She had cancer by her throat last October. Since I am living with my grandparent, I have been taking care of her most of the time. She had to take her chemotherapy two time a month. I had to take her down to University of Utah hospital to take her treatment. It was about 30 to 40 mins from my house. But it didnt matter to me and I just want the help her and feel like to "pay back" that she take care of me in the past.
She had her last chemotherapy in the end of December. Then she had to take radiation therapy 5 days a week, about an hour a day. So I started to work on Swing shift, so I can take her to hospital (10 miles away) every morning. She had her last Radiation in the end of Feb.
She is getting better but she is still experience her back problem and cannot move around very often.
Sometime that I feel bad that nobody else is helping her. Like my mom says she is too busy, and my uncle have problems with drinking. My young sister does her best to help grandma which is good so I can have some break.
Everything is good so far but g-ma is still getting some pain in her back. Doctor told her that she may have another surgery on her back but g-ma dont know what to do.
Couple weeks ago, I finally brought a laptop and I love it. It is HP AMD Turion64 mobile technology. It have everything and brought them on sale at bestbuy. Comcast install the high speed internet last week. I was very happy and my g-ma can look up on the internet while I am gone to work.
Now I am waiting for sorenson VRS to give me free one.

So if the post is too long, but I feel good to take care of g-ma and she trust me. :)
I can relate, my grandmother just got finished with
being in the hospital last week or so. I was up there almost
every day alteast every other day. I love my grandmother, she is
more of a mom than my real mom. She has four boys (my dad's mom)
and she tells me all the time that you are more my daughter than hers.
I agree, has been a source of inspiration, faith, encouragment and love.
I am VERY close to my grandmother. I brought her everything that she needed up to the hospital and sometime after Easter we (Hub and I) are going to go over and paint her apartment. (smile)

My Grandfather was really sick too, he is slowly getting better.
But yea, you should feel good. I mean, sometimes today's youth have
no respect for grandparents. Let alone respect for their parents. You should
be proud. People sometimes can't be bothered when someone needs a lot from you and cannot give back. It's called selfless love (and you have it!)

Welcome back to AD..I will be thinking about you guys. :hug: