Is this fair or not?

there's usually no plea bargain on serious cases

You might want to check that. Pleas for a reduced sentence, or pleas to a reduced charge happen all the time in serious cases.
there's usually no plea bargain on serious cases

Oh yea especially if the criminal can give another criminal away such as in drug cases.
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Oh yea especially if the criminal can give another criminal away especially in drug busts.

That's a perfect example. Also, hiring an attorney known to have an inroad to the prosecutor.
You might want to check that. Pleas for a reduced sentence, or pleas to a reduced charge happen all the time in serious cases.

yes, she is right about this. When u are in jail for like 40 years, u got alot of time to drum up a plea hearing.
big difference is - there's no Big Brother telling them what to do. Even though it's a shit life they're living in, they're free to do whatever they want to do. They don't get to do that in prison.

no, the real difference is, no the lack of 'freedom,' its more the lack of 'peace', in jail you'd be surprised what they are allowed to do. Prison is far, far more dangerous, the need to survival is like increased 5 fold since you are forced to live with slime and spikes of the human race. Big brother ?*cough cough* where does this idea originate from, certainly not from television.
Yeah, you pretty much said it yourself. You did word it word and it didn't come out right. :eek3:

Deaf people are just like hearing people.

Put them in a situation without any accommodation and you'll bet they'll be very emotional.

:hmm: Try going to a foreign country without any advance knowledge of their customs or the language itself. How do you think you'll respond?

What are you talking about?
What are you talking about?

I was responding to your quote..

That's not what I am saying.. I am saying that I think some judges have a hard time reading people because of cultural differences. NOT because he is prejudice (sp?).

Like this, on the outside surface, people see deaf people as whiny and emotional but on the inside, we don't hear ourselves and we use more visual expression than hearing people. Hearing people don't always realize that.

So if a deaf person go to court and the judge sees a whiny and emotional person, he wonder if he suspend his license or not because he certainly do not want an unstable person on the road. Or if he should add extra points to their driving record But if a hearing person comes in all calm and cool, he think the person is rational and probably just made an honest mistake. So less driving point for her. (yes, I had extra driving point than the other person who did the same thing.. I don't think I've worded it correctly like the other person did. It just came out wrong)
You might want to check that. Pleas for a reduced sentence, or pleas to a reduced charge happen all the time in serious cases.

yes. but i'm talking about rich people. Madoff did not do plea bargain. Neither did OJ Simpson. Why? because they rather take their chance.
yes. but i'm talking about rich people. Madoff did not do plea bargain. Neither did OJ Simpson. Why? because they rather take their chance.

Yeah, they just spent millions on every high priced attorney and legal team they could get their hands on to circumvent the system using all the loopholes. That is hardly the same chance someone working for minimum wage and relying on a PD that has been out of school for 6 months gets, now is it?
Yeah, you pretty much said it yourself. You did word it word and it didn't come out right.
<--- I still don't get this.

btw, you can have all the accommodations you can have, but if you used a facial expression to express a word and they don't understand it is part of sign language, they could take you the wrong way. Same with people in from a difference culture (that is the way they communicate is different than what the judge is used to)
<--- I still don't get this.

btw, you can have all the accommodations you can have, but if you used a facial expression to express a word and they don't understand it is part of sign language, they could take you the wrong way. Same with people in from a difference culture (that is the way they communicate is different than what the judge is used to)

That is why you are guaranteed an interpreter under the ADA.
Yeah, they just spent millions on every high priced attorney and legal team they could get their hands on to circumvent the system using all the loopholes. That is hardly the same chance someone working for minimum wage and relying on a PD that has been out of school for 6 months gets, now is it?

Bingo, of course it is very naive to think rich pricks to 'take a chance' they don't! High priced lawyers are well seen as their saviour, but to me, they are merely 'legally functional' criminals, as I for one, thinks those types of lawyers should be outlawed,or put to better use such as lecturering (and donate all their ill-gain fortune to law schools to be made more accessible for many bright young people from the lower class in order to give them a chance to a profession. It might seem 'hypocritical' saying profession, and ill-gained, its not really, the high priced attorneys or QC (Queens consultants) are not really professions, its just nothing more than a "god" status. if you will. This sort of 'aura' around their namestake puts out awe to the gullible crowd, and unease to the judges and other members working in courthouses.
Prosecutors, offer plea bargains almost all the time. To prevent lengthy trials.
Prosecutors, offer plea bargains almost all the time. To prevent lengthy trials.

Yeppers. And because they don't have enough evidence to insure a conviction sometimes as well. It is actually more dependent on the prosecutor than on the judge.
There are cases where you go to jail no matter what (rather you can pay or not). Like murder.

Ok, perhaps some degrees of crime should be converted from fines to prison to make more people feel it's more fair.

Yemen got blood money, i.e. one can pay the victims family an amount of money and stay out of jail, if the family accept.
No what we need is harsher punishments to deter people from committing crimes!

The chance that you might be publicly hanged for murder is a pretty good deterrent I would think.

In some countries your hands will get chopped off if you steal. Those places tend to have a low-rate of theft.

You don't happen to have stats on this? Just curious if this is true. Know that some strict countries have a low rate on crime, like you say. But Texas, which is famous for death penalty seems to have some really numbers on crime? Just curious.

If chopping off hands, the deaf could go mute, while the hearing/oral person can go on communicating. Guess this means deaf people would become more honest than hearing people..

Reminds me of some cases where deaf people are prisoned. This deaf person will be more isolated than a hearing person, so the punishment have different effect. The result was that the deaf person got less time spent in prison due to communication barriers, or punishment in "open prisons".

Not sure if everyone agree that's ok.
the question is interesting but the rich man I think doesn't want to deal wtih crazy people in jail and plus deal with no privacy and probably wud get hurt by other people on other hand.. the homeless wud not have no problems cuz he wud enjoy having a cold bed and food and schedule to follow than feeling bored out of his own mind wondering what he wants to do next..