Is there a way to make a forum accept key word(s)?


Eye/Hear/Speech Impaired
Premium Member
May 27, 2006
Reaction score
I typed in "GED" and it can't accept that, so I typed "GED Reading" but the forum software can't accept "GED" even though I typed "GED Reading"! Why???

Sorry to be lazy but is there a way to get "GED" appear in search results?

Typing one of the following:

GED Reading
GED Reading 400
GED Reading 400 410

doesn't help.

"Reading" is a very common word, too, in real life! 400 can be a common number, 410, GED is a common acronym . . .

UPDATE: I just typed in "General Education Development" and the search result came up with my thread about scoring 360 in my GED Test... It would help if anyone who types "GED" puts in

(General Education Development)

in paranthesis so that those who are searching for threads with the mention of GED with "General Education Development" in thier threads can help find the thread they want to read, fast. But we can't assume anyone knows what "GED" stand for and make anyone go to and see what "GED" stand for before searching. If a thread with "GED" contains no mention of "General Education Development" then there won't be a thread shown up in search results.