Is it Your Intuition or Just Your Desire??


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Mar 28, 2011
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Hey Everyone!

I've recently started to really trust my intuition, especially during dating. However there's something that keeps bothering me that I can't figure out! I am not sure how to separate if the feelings are: i) my intuition or ii) what I actually want?

Suppose you've been dating someone and you start getting "good vibes", how do you distinguish if the vibe is: i) something positive radiating from your partner or ii) if it is something within you that you want. In other words, is it your intuition speaking to you that your partner likes you or rather is it just your deep desire that you want to be with that person??

Any experiences or thoughts are welcome!!
intuition plays a role, yes, but it's really easy to fool yourself. (speaking from experience)

Better to have a policy of expecting good treatment/ respect from others and walking away when they don't give it.

Better to define what it is you want/need in a relationship (while being reasonable) and to use it as a consistent guideline.

I knew someone whose intuition was that she "foresaw that she'd be married to someone and therefore knew it was meant to be."

So she married him. But she didn't foresee the abuse he piled on her.

So what good is "intuition" and having "psychic ability to foresee the future" if it can't foresee key details like that?

More likey she got horny at the sight of her future husband and then rationalized it with a story of having a "psychic vision."

Intuition is not in the same category as "psychic visions," but it's often used the same way.. simply to rationalize what someone already likes or dislikes.

On the other hand, sometimes it's best to listen to your 'gut'.

How to know which is best? Experience teaches you.
A friend of mine met this man, who, in her words, was the "perfect" man...he didn't drink or smoke, had a job, good looking, good hygeine, etc., etc....However, something (Or her intuition) bothered her about him.....but her friends told her differently....saying he really cared for her, even was in Love with her.

So she went ahead after 6 months married this man (disregarding her "intuition")...and sure enuf, soon he was mentally/physically abusing her.

Needless to say, there are no "perfect" mates.
For my husband, it was love at first sight, but he knew he needed to make some changes in his life before even considering courting me. We got to know each other over a few years of doing summer theater before we started dating. Subconsciously I must have known that summer was the one for us to start dating as the first time I saw him (where we built sets), I gave him a hug. Hugging is not a common thing for me, so it must have been a way for me to say "ok, you can begin courting me now" without my even knowing it.
He had to propose to me twice. The first time my natural response was "maybe". Then a few months later, cupid's arrow hit (I was at work and not even sure I was thinking about him at that time). I sent him a card with a cryptic message letting him know that he could propose again, if he wanted to. He did about a week or two later.
We were married almost 25 years when he passed away. Was he a perfect husband, no. Was I a perfect wife, no.
Follow your senses, not lonliness

The second time I was in a relationship I had a strong feeling my now ex-wife was not putting much into our relationship. I didn't see her or hear from hear often enough. Basically, when she just wanted something. We went ahead and got married and applied for a visa to stay here. She had and probably still has an associative disorder of multiple personalities. I overlooked this problem due to my lonliness. Sometimes when I was at work she had a naughty desire or want money for something. She would have sex with people she hardly knew, steal from anybody she could (our rent money, my parents property, etc). Twice she even pawned (sold) her wedding ring and the replacement I bough her.
Two years ago I was introduced to a woman. I picked her up from work 6-7 Fridays and took her out for dinner, then home. She wouldn't talk to me after 2 or 3 dinners and didn't invite me anywhere. She stopped seeing me and 2 months later she was wearing a wedding ring and said she was a married woman. I realized I was just used for free transportation until the fiance told her to stop going out with me.
What I am trying to write is take a few months and see how things are shaping up.
Deafbadger- Those are some pretty good points to think about, thank-you!

Rockin'robin- I very much agree with you, there are no "perfect" mates. I find your friend's intuition experience quite interesting!

LoveBlue- That was beautifully written, sounds like something out of a movie...very sweet :)

Deafwelder- I am very sorry to hear how these women treated you my friend. Your gut was right on for your ex-wife, for the second woman, it appears you trusted your logic as there were no visible signs of infidelity (I probably would have done the same). However, did you feel any bad vibes or did it suddenly hit you out of no where at the end? "What I am trying to write is take a few months and see how things are shaping up" <--- agreed.
One thing about relationships is that, like an experience one wants to excel at, it's no exception you have to put alot of time into. You have to expose yourself to most things involved with your interests to get an idea of what it's all about. Then, you can trust your intuition from this experience, otherwise, jumping right in blindly without experience will either make you appear paranoid or a high risk taker. I learned the hard way, but the guys I dated never got far with their deceptive charm - and yes, some were unfortunate targets of a good nut cracking (that's why my friends call me the nutcracker! :giggle:: ), I will NEVER tolerate rape attempts either. But it is different from what you want. It's like a goal you want to achieve. Intuition lets you know how well you are getting closer to that goal from all your experience. I also think when that happens, it should be effortless thought. If you have to think about it, you're not ready to accept and handle what might suddenly arise. Time to put more time into it, then see if your ideas will work out. Life is unpredictable, if it weren't, you'd miss out, but at the same time, don't sacrifice safety unless you know what's involved. It all comes down to how much experience and time you have put into it. Hope that helps.
i think it common sense and that gut feeling but it always going to let us down so luck has alot to do with it and no one is perfect,my first husband was an ass he was perfect in everyway and i look back and see signs were there i just did not want to see them...i really do not know if we got that little voice in us but like to think so
Hey Everyone,

That's for the interesting advice from all!

So basically, after several times going out with her...I just got friendzoned and I don't know where I went wrong. ::tears:

Did I start holding hands too late? Did I kiss her too late? I don't know. I was waiting for subtle touch/eye contact signals from her but did not so hence my delay in acting.

I know some of you will say "w/e, move on, you will find another girl, etc"...but it's not about that. It's about how to progress after another blow to an already low self-esteem. I actually thought I was much more confident this time around. The feelings I had between us I guess were about "what I wanted" rather than "what it really is". Like I am really afraid now to approach another woman. She likes hanging-out with me wants to do so but I just feel like a total loser now. Is there any point?

Thought of somehow reversing it crossed my mind but I'm not sure if that's realistic. If I do attempt that will it make me look worse? I am not sure how solidly she fixated me as a "friend" or if she was uncertain of anything else so I became her "friend".

I just cannot believe the mental toll this took on me, I feel drained and just really screwed up.
im no stranger to this too, it sux, so dont feel you're the only one, but i know i know it REally feels like you're the only one...maybe youre shy more than you think? i cant help here, im not the best one to say anything, except to say its a sickening feeling i know, powerless and 'feel-good' draining...maybe think about make your self more 'sexy' but with out shouting it, wimmins are seekers but their own cunning is weird..they seem to be psychics, trick is , to learn to look like 'you're in control, you're a Man, but you're not shouting about it, women seem to crave it
Grummer- Man you described exactly how I feel, it really is a "sickening feeling", it's like you suddenly got cursed

'you're in control, you're a Man, but you're not shouting about it, women seem to crave it" --> Well said my friend. So for sort of shy ppl like us, instead of the extoroverted, I think women would also find the strong/silent type appealing as well? So it's like I don't talk much not because I am not confident but rather I choose not to, and don't show weak emotions?
from my guess is that, if you befreinded a woman and you supported her...with NO expectation of returns (and Woman DO know that they know it right away)...and say later on you have a down day or some bad crappy happen then you say 'something what you really feel' then lkie just before you get to say 'nah i sound like a wuss'...Real girls/women who are real, like they not 'after the hero' to brag in front of their girlfriends' -- wil tell you, they Dig guys showing real emotion...(not because they are emo's or anything its probably likely they're sick of pretending and sick of not finding guys who really talks about feelings, not the gayish, hippish shit , just raw and being real about life...AND, surprise some Do dig it...and admittingly I'd want to meet one of those because i can 'see' that if you happen to find her and really got alot of other things in common, like alot, you can be sure she's a wife material and that saying I mean a LIFE TIME freind, (which really saying its a true meaning of marriage) ARGHH i have to say this right now not talking about marriage and shit
im just using this example to 'highlight that some people actually do have depths, not depth of complex knowledge or business savvy or success crap (too many of that now, and it yuck)...i mean simple things (which ironically can, indeed be one of the most complext because half the time people DON'T have time to search within themselves to bring up a reflection to speak (or sign ) off...sign communicate..

there are people who do realise 'not talkers' are 'doers' and actually knows this is not shyness , just self-quietly confident...and thats the kind of confidence women seeks...
its not being the showtime-material..or the conversationalist or having the gift of the gab...(yes people tend to draw to them but its not fool proof and indeed they do find out talkers are shallow)... you see..people are confidence-seekers sometimes they seek to hang out with someone better than themselves...only to find not much as improved ..or a big crash like big divorce in mid-life and all that cuz all that time its the Material part of life that succeeded (and the fobbing of their ownn lies keeping does wears out)...

so there...its not being 'not about to talk' to draw in the 'wanted crowd' its more about 'being able to talk as so you Are yourself' that's the confidence people Knows... people are not stupid to notice but also stupid enough to ignore it...weird i know.
hope this helps ..i dunno..just remember this 'you have to believe in yourself' forget about worrying if people believe you (or the fake yourself, which i mentioned above it Does have a due-date life period, not worth considering unless if you can hack it, not me) believing in yourself, is the key to confidence, dont get me wrong, its not saying you can do Anything, dont deluded yourseif with that, its saying, believeing that what you're doing your life, (be it study, your hobbies you pick, your favourite colours, music, fav sport, some sport you like (even if youre not that good but actually enjoys it (Is more important, than 'winning' but winning against yourself is the goal, as in bettering your skills, thats where the passion lies) all this mentioned just now, is what the things you need to believe in yourself, about.. so people 'knows' who you are, and they will (the chicks) will dig that, they will KNOW you have a passion and kind and straight up, thats what they really are, after all what you're really after is women who are real, not worrying about 'losers' or 'winners', oftentimes they are both the SAME, interchangable because of the 'competition' element which signals to them then men/boys are just all about being a hero, its all bullshit...cuz its the Wrong meaning of heroism...

forget it, duh i dunno if i wrote up some crap...but for all else, i hope it kind of makes sense...

and really, being hurt is NO fun..and indeed if you read back what i jsut wrote ive probably unwittingly hinted that, in times of crappy (or good) best thing is to be kind to yourself, your feelings , yourself belongs to you, no one else, no one else have any rights to make your feel less, especially if you didnt ask for it, while all you wanted to is experience, love, companionship, sex, togetherness with the opposite sex (or same sex if that what some wants, same thing, its the importance of connectedness which people seeks, no one like rejection)...

just be kind to yourself do what you love most, skateboarding, then dont sit at home wallowing in hurt (others would look form outside and mistake to you for 'self pitying' which is really bullshit and actually quite mean...just (and yes forget about it" HARD to do, I hate it too when it happens, but yah do what you like doing, remind yourself, you have skills, somethig to value for , partners/girlfreinds isnt the MOST important thing in life...people are crazy to get tragic about still have a life, Fuck tetraplegics can even get to Paint (painfully slow with tongues properly if they want to), but hell imagine No body want to get laid with them! , chicks, probably is bt dull if she doesnt think you're as good as a next guy who happens to be a hearie.pathetic aye?
so there...
above all, remembering you're as good as the next person, not better not less, seems like a riddle? indeed it is, life is a riddle too

Cheer up
I decided to log on to read any updates as I eat my breakfast before heading to work. I felt the necessity to quickly respond for now, will follow up with more detail later...

I woke up this morning feeling like crap and face palmed myself like "oh my f....I totally lost that game"

Grummer your post left me looking at it in wonder. The detail and consideration you put into typing that blew me away like wow! Like I'm already emotionally screwed up and feel quite sensitive to things right now, and your post was very moving.

Dude, thank-you so much! You are the f'n man!!
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no problem mate, glad i helped, but ultimately you can only help yourself, just take it as a guide to spread out that 'mental map' and tell yourself that you want to take a different route, rather than the walking thru that blazing desert alone, no one has to..instead go metaphorically climb that mountain to find the river back home (more stenously but you get a good view that shows hopes, where as in the desert its all sand and harsh sun, there is nothing but mirages which taunts, forget it, you're doing fine.
Sorry for the delay Grummer, I've been trying to keep busy by pretty much not hanging around alone in my home.

Yah, it just seems like a hard blow because...well, frankly I haven't gotten too many dates lately. So the the start and process was such a high rush and the end was the exact opposite.

Your attitude and perspective on things impress me; "being able to talk as so you Are yourself" and the the desert metaphor is well written. "After all what you're really after is women who are real, not worrying about 'losers' or 'winners', oftentimes they are both the SAME" That took a bit of thought to fully get, but it's true.

I don't know how you acquired this solid mental attitude or all that knowledge....but I feel that if I did, I would certainly be much more happier.

Cheers buddy.