Is it true that we have.....


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Jan 16, 2004
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deaf scammers out there and, even in a foreign country ?

Let me explain about what happened to one deaf man. He complaints to one another deaf guy about that " woman " he was going to meet. He met her through a different " deaf " chat room at AOL. He explained about what happened and what she did to him. She wrote a check to him and for him to cash it for her. He did this and then use it through Western Union to wire it to her directly.

She got it and moved to another home. That deaf man thought she was using it to fly over to meet him. It never happened. He got the letter from his bank telling him that all of his account was maxed out! He owed the money at $ 24, 000. He was soo upset about it and have no way to get the money back.

I was wonderin', if hearing people could play like " deaf " to fool the real deaf people ? Or is it true that there are real deaf scammers out there ? Or could it be BOTH ?

Discuss !
I am sure that there are hearing people that pretend to be deaf in order to do scamming via IP-relay. My gut feeling tells me that it is most likely to be a hearing scammer pretending to be deaf than the actual deaf scammer.

However, I won't be surprised if there are deaf scammers out there. I seriously doubt there are deaf scammers in foreign countries like Nigeria because of poor education for the deaf there. If a hearing scammer teaches a deaf person, then that deaf person would scam.
Scammers will prey on anyone, regardless of whether they can hear or not, because they know someone will eventually get "sucked in". If you suspect a scammer, you are entitled to have some enjoyment by either trying to scam them or waste their time.
I'm sure there are scammers out there who are really deaf. However, in these cases where a person claims he/she is deaf and is offering you money in exchange for more money... those scammers are likely to be hearing acting as deaf.

What I don't understand is how these people can easily fall for those scams. Seriously, it's so easy to see it and realize that it's a scam. When it comes to writing a check, anyone can do it... why me? Seriously, $1,000 just to take your check and write you another check? That's practically the oldest trick in the book.

Here's an OLD bar trick. You show up at a bar and see a man standing quarters up on their ends. You offer him a dime for every quarter he stands up. He accepts. After standing up 10 quarters, you take all 10 quarters and give him $1. Technically, you offered to pay him for his money... 10 cents for each quarter that were standing up. ;)
A friend of mine will help that deaf guy to calm down on his emotions. My friend gave him some advices on what to do and get some help thru FBI and lawyer. I hope things goes well with them. I am so sad to see all this happen to some deaf people from bad people ( hearing people who pretended to be deaf ).

I don't like this at all. :(