Is it hard to be a Christian?

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Jun 2, 2006
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Many Christians and even Jewish people are ignoring the Bible laws...

Are we better off as being ATHEISTS?

Simple answer is: It´s religion authors who wrote Bibles.

You can´t prove that it´s really God´s word in the bible because religion author wrote differently.
FreedummyRing said:
Many Christians and even Jewish people are ignoring the Bible laws...

Are we better off as being ATHEISTS?

or Secular Humanist
I don't believe it is hard to be a Christian.

Just don't do evil things that our parents told us not to do.

Don't murder, don't lie, don't steal... I can deal with that rules.
It is difficult if one takes it with the utmost seriousness rather than just outward fight against not only outward sins but inward ones, such as arrogance or hatred or lust of ALL kinds is a very challenging thing. Absolutely worth it, but it requires constant vigilance.
FreedummyRing said:
I don't believe it is hard to be a Christian.

Just don't do evil things that our parents told us not to do.

Don't murder, don't lie, don't steal... I can deal with that rules.
That's what I do as Secular Humanist :dunno:
Liebling:-))) said:
You can´t prove that it´s really God´s word in the bible because religion author wrote differently.

Quote your source, please.
Rose Immortal said:
It is difficult if one takes it with the utmost seriousness rather than just outward fight against not only outward sins but inward ones, such as arrogance or hatred or lust of ALL kinds is a very challenging thing. Absolutely worth it, but it requires constant vigilance.

:gpost: And a lot of prayer and Bible reading. Otherwise, it's the easiest. Do married people just sit around looking goo goo eyed at each other all the time? No, they both have a life and they work at their marriage. So too, do I and other Christians, with our Savior.
I am NOT the christian like million christians out there have claimed that I am christ and deceive many..
Liebling:-))) said:
:confused: I would suggest you to check front or back of your bible then you will see yourself who wrote the bibles. ;)
So what does it say in the front of your Bible?

The inside front of my Bible says:

Old and New Testaments
in the
King James Version

Translated out of the Original Tongues
And with Previous Translations
Diligently Compared and Revised

with Read-Along References,
Read-Along Translations

Thru The Bible Radio
BOX 7100

The Bible itself tells us who authored it. Over 2,500 times, the Bible says, "Thus saith the Lord" or its equivalent.

Also, in Hebrews 1:1,2, "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds"

And in II Peter 1:21, "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost"

And Exodus 20:1, "And God spake all these words".
Correct. Even when non christians or nuetral living thinking its contradict, God is mean, the cruelty of wars and etc. And even, they use think not whole passage who is the Messiah as using ours as they using out of context. Even they said, they grew up church, but as I see, they still didn't get the whole idea and easily so called"good point" by easily fall of teaching by humanist secular and hogwashed so many people, bec they don't ask God, and even didn't get the idea how that work, bec thinking God is somewhere out yonder, which He isn't. Being a christian isn't easy. Spiritual warfares rages on. The closer with God, the hotter the challenge to face, bec as a child of God, we are like silver or gold to get rid of dross in our lives to be purified to become more like Him. The Bible is the Word of God, and that's teaching us how to live in godly lives, we are facing daily battle, its not always winning situation, but keep our eyes on the Lord.
Liebling:-))) said:
:confused: I would suggest you to check front or back of your bible then you will see yourself who wrote the bibles. ;)

Perhap you can compare few bibles of different beliefs and will see yourself who wrote differently.

I hope this link of my debated thread.

Reba already answered, but let me ask you this, Liebling. Suppose you use an exclamational phrase (i.e. oh my goodness! Wow! Cool!) Since you're an atheist, I presume you say "oh me!" in place of "oh my god" for in doing so, you're not much of an atheist. Never met an atheist that can answer that question, btw.
Reba said:
So what does it say in the front of your Bible?

The inside front of my Bible says:

Old and New Testaments
in the
King James Version

Translated out of the Original Tongues
And with Previous Translations
Diligently Compared and Revised

with Read-Along References,
Read-Along Translations

The Bible itself tells us who authored it. Over 2,500 times, the Bible says, "Thus saith the Lord" or its equivalent.

Also, in Hebrews 1:1,2, "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds"

And in II Peter 1:21, "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost"

And Exodus 20:1, "And God spake all these words".​

Various ministries stamp their name of the front, so I deleted this to say that my Bible says the same thing. Good post, as always, Reba! :thumb: :gpost: On another note, I have to say that if we were all atheists and thus don't believe in God, then it would be interesting to see and know where people go when they die. Is this a chance, Liebling, you would want to take? You have personal experiences, as do all of us, how real God really is. It's exciting to see God move in our lives, of those who have been deathly sick and healed, and the fact that says in the Bible that He is always with us, no matter where we go. Does an atheist have that? What about when hard times come and you're standing alone? As a Christian, I can face difficult decisions and simple ones, but always ask God what to do. It's not a magic potion or in the words that we say, sometimes we, ourselves, make the bad decision in what to do. God didn't make us like robots, which means that we all have our own minds to do what we so choose to. If we choose to have sex and then get an std, it's not God's fault, because we didn't follow what He said in His word.

In reality, it doesn't make sense. But what really doesn't make sense is to go through life and say God doesn't exist and then find out on the day you die that you actually get to stand in front of Him, just to tell Him yourself that He doesn't exist. In fact, you won't even get the chance to say anything to Him because He knows all about you and what you would like to say. But the sad truth, then, is that it's too late to say, "oh, God, well I guess You do exist! Praise Your name!" The Bible says that ALL of us one day will give that account and, willingly or unwillingly proclaim Jesus Christ is Lord, on their knees.

Let me give you a website that is geared for deaf, as this is an outstanding ministry.
pek1 said:
On another note, I have to say that if we were all atheists and thus don't believe in God, then it would be interesting to see and know where people go when they die.

Many atheists don't believe in an afterlife. Some do, though. For example, Buddhism believes in reincarnation, but does not believe in the exitence of a God.

pek1 said:
Is this a chance, Liebling, you would want to take?

Trying to scare someone into believing doesn't work because then their "belief" is illegitimate as it is grounded in fear of the possibility that their real beliefs are wrong.

pek1 said:
But what really doesn't make sense is to go through life and say God doesn't exist and then find out on the day you die that you actually get to stand in front of Him, just to tell Him yourself that He doesn't exist.

That would be Pascal's wager...
Even Satan will confess that Jesus Christ is LORD at the end when Satan bow down on his knees. Satan KNEW that Jesus Christ is GOD.
Just because there are verses that say things like the Lord said... in the bible doesn't mean that the authors really were inspired by an actual god. They could've thought that they've been inspired by a god that they believed in, but wasn't real. How could one differentiate between those possiblities? I know a Christian who would say that it's a matter of faith that it was a real god, but there's Occam's razor. :mrgreen:

I think it'd be hard to be a true Christian because in the bible, Jesus told people to put following Jesus above other things like family in places like Luke 14:26.
The thing about the bible is that if we were to prove that it really WERE inspired by god, then everyone would decide to believe in it, even the bad people, HOPING that god would save them because they read the bible and believe, even if they weren't changing their heart for the better... those who choose to believe what the bible says have "faith" or "...the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld." So basically by believing in something that cannot be proven with science, this shows god that we are willing to trust him. (My beliefs).
No, it is not better that we are atheists. I can't imagine being someone who does not believe in a greater power. I know there is more out there that we cannot always see, but only feel. Anyway, it is tough to be a Christian for some people. It depends on how you make Christianity a priority in your life. Perhaps surrounding yourself with people who believe in the same thing will help strengthen your relationship with Jesus Christ. The Bible has many true teachings that still apply today that I cannot throw away the Bible. I believe that there were stories in the Bible that are ancient mentality and written by people with human thoughts rather than what God really meant. It's up to us to take time to meditate and read the Bible to find what's the real Truth. That's your free will whether or not you want to take the time to interpret the Bible and understand what you are supposed to get out of it. It's no easy for anyone. Some parts of the Bible is weird and may take awhile to understand. I am not saying it is easy for me either.
One example...someone on Alldeaf...I can't say who. That's how hard it is to be a Christian. :giggle:
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