Is being mean and depressed related to being fat?



Is being mean and depressed related to gaining weight?

I wish there was a health forum to post this, but it'll go on general discussions for now.

I have noticed when people gain weight, they get more depressed and meaner to other people they used to be friends with. I think it has to do with the lack of self-confidence and self-respect. I know I used to be mean to others last year because I was a little overweight and depressed. Ever since I have been going to a doctor for a year now, I lost some weight and now being depressed less often. I also noticed that I don't crave for sweets like I used to.

So, do you think being depressed and mean related to gaining weight?
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Deaf258 said:
I wish there was a health forum to post this, but it'll go on general discussions for now.

I have noticed when people gain weight, they get more depressed and meaner to other people they used to be friends with. I think it has to do with the lack of self-confidence and self-respect. I know I used to be mean to others last year because I was a little overweight and depressed. Ever since I have been going to a doctor for a year now, I lost some weight and now being depressed less often. I also noticed that I don't crave for sweets like I used to.

So, do you think being depressed and mean related to being fat?

In some cases yes it can cause to some people and other reason thyroid too. But I notice and read somewhere that walking does help w/ despression and/or weight (just want to mention even tho some of it not relate :))
Interesting observation. Yes, it does make sense with some people. It's possible that it's related.
deaf258, when u get depress and did u eat more more??? just ask..

when i get depress, i dont eat that much... it depend on my moody.. i am so WERID!!! :(
I eat more junk food when I am very depressed. Lately, I haven't been depressed much and noticed I was eating healthier foods.
Deaf258 said:
I eat more junk food when I am very depressed. Lately, I haven't been depressed much and noticed I was eating healthier foods.
yea when u eat more junk food and it gain weight, if u eat after 9pm and it will be more weight gain... depend on ur body... i am not pro dr.. u know what i mean??? i am try help... :)
It is possible. Because they are not being themselves which something is bothering them.
TweetyBird said:
yea when u eat more junk food and it gain weight, if u eat after 9pm and it will be more weight gain... depend on ur body... i am not pro dr.. u know what i mean??? i am try help... :)

:D Thanks for trying, but I am already ahead of my game. I was surprised how I looked 4 years ago and 2 years ago and today. Big difference! I think it is better to try not to eat after 6 pm or 7 pm than 9 pm. Also, drinking a lot of water helps. Cutting back on soda also helps wonders, too!
Deaf258 said:
:D Thanks for trying, but I am already ahead of my game. I was surprised how I looked 4 years ago and 2 years ago and today. Big difference! I think it is better to try not to eat after 6 pm or 7 pm than 9 pm. Also, drinking a lot of water helps. Cutting back on soda also helps wonders, too!
welcome anytime!!! ofc the water is help u lots... i need tooo... cuz of i drink diet MD all the time.. hahaha.. so i need water either... i think abt get gallon of water and refill at walmart better than nothing.. smile..
Do you mean post-trauma stress disorder ?

I did depress about 4 yrs ago. When I was on depression, I lost weight, sex drive, sleeping too much, not even smile, don't feel like to eat, lack of activity, hopeless/guilt and sadness. I went to a shrink and got some helps. A doctor gave me some medications. Its called paxil. After 7 months, I felt great and back to normal. I had not on depression for 4 years.

please visit depression web Its very good and big help.
Causes of Depression: What cause?
Also, do you know the common symptoms of depression? click -->try this

Good luck.
I work everyday. I walk everyday. I ride on 10 speed bicycle everyday. I read the books. I play PS1 and Nintendo 64. I sleep 6-8 hours (in between). I eat organic healthy foods. I visit the library. I exercise at the Gym in High School at nights. There's so much to do for me that I really ENJOY my life! :thumb: Next month, I will have some company comin' to visit me from Canada. In August, I will have another company comin' up to visit me from the lower 48 states. Been thinkin' about gettin' out of this town to visit "1700's" town in June (next month)... for my break! :)
When you're depressed, you should be thinking about doing things that makes you happier. I hate it when people stand around saying "I'm depressed" and say they have nothing to do.
Bills, bills, and more bills makes Alex a depressed boy. :aw:

Seriously, though, if I was feeling "down", the only way I can overcome it is by going out and put my mind on other things.
What would really help get me out of my depression is a hand-job by a cute gal! :naughty:

Seriously, some of the things I do that keep me from being depressed is cruising AllDeaf, watching movies, playing games, or doing things with my friends. :thumb:
All work and no play makes Alex a dull boy. :aw:

Speaking of being depressed, has anyone had to deal with someone who was really depressed and talked about killing themselves? I wouldn't know how to deal with the situtaion, but my first thought would be to call "911." :dunno:
Alex said:
All work and no play makes Alex a dull boy. :aw:

Speaking of being depressed, has anyone had to deal with someone who was really depressed and talked about killing themselves? I wouldn't know how to deal with the situtaion, but my first thought would be to call "911." :dunno:

Yes, contact 911 if you know the person and a 911 operator has enough information so that they can dispatch police there to ensure the person is not a threat to themselves. If the police feel the person is a genuine EDP, emotionally disturbed person, they will take them to the hospital where a medical evaluation will take place. If the hospital feels the person is a threat to themselves they will be held up to 72 hours before they are "Commited" for a lack of a better word or released.

If you don't know the person well and know the person from an on-line perspective refer them to a crisis intervention center on-line. A simple google search can provide you with the information you need for this persons particular area, and maintain documentation so that if the person does truly try to hurt themself or suceeds you have documentation where you took reasonable steps to obtain help for them. Keeps the family, or Next of Kin from coming back and attempting to sue you on a personal level.
Alex said:
All work and no play makes Alex a dull boy. :aw:

Speaking of being depressed, has anyone had to deal with someone who was really depressed and talked about killing themselves? I wouldn't know how to deal with the situtaion, but my first thought would be to call "911." :dunno:

In Utah, by law, if anyone hear a suicide threat, that person is responsible to call 911. If suicide threats are ignored, the person will be fined and jailed for failure of reporting.
I got some good questions. I do not know if my questions relate to this thread, but this thread makes me think of them. Let me tell you a brief story and then ask you questions that you may answer hopefully.

Just today, I was discussing this summer plans with my husband. I told him that I would like to go to the Bible Camp for the Deaf in Nebraska, for 4 days in August. I believe that it will motivate me to do what I want to do to fillful my life with my family (other than just staying home and do all the housework all the time). He agreed with this plan, but then he brought up the issue about how to pay for this and that (gas, food, entry fee, etc) since I do not work anymore. I kinda fell back down and felt depressed. I kinda snapped at him which I should not do. I was just got caught off guard and not know what to say.

Now my questions:
--Should we go ahead and go, ignoring the costs and all that?
--Should we bring our boys? Or leave them with their grandparents?
--Should we go alone with our deaf couple (friends)?
--Should we drop this and wait for next year?
--What would you do if you were in my shoes in this situation (unemployed and wanting to travel out of town)?

The reason I post this is that I noticed in some posts in this thread that if you are feeling down or depressed, do something you enjoy. Get out and do something you enjoy or keep yourself busy. Well, I know this will be something I would enjoy. I've noticed that when I want to do something I enjoy, it's expensive (I love to travel out of state).
ChelEler said:
I got some good questions. I do not know if my questions relate to this thread, but this thread makes me think of them. Let me tell you a brief story and then ask you questions that you may answer hopefully.

Just today, I was discussing this summer plans with my husband. I told him that I would like to go to the Bible Camp for the Deaf in Nebraska, for 4 days in August. I believe that it will motivate me to do what I want to do to fillful my life with my family (other than just staying home and do all the housework all the time). He agreed with this plan, but then he brought up the issue about how to pay for this and that (gas, food, entry fee, etc) since I do not work anymore. I kinda fell back down and felt depressed. I kinda snapped at him which I should not do. I was just got caught off guard and not know what to say.

Now my questions:
--Should we go ahead and go, ignoring the costs and all that?
--Should we bring our boys? Or leave them with their grandparents?
--Should we go alone with our deaf couple (friends)?
--Should we drop this and wait for next year?
--What would you do if you were in my shoes in this situation (unemployed and wanting to travel out of town)?

The reason I post this is that I noticed in some posts in this thread that if you are feeling down or depressed, do something you enjoy. Get out and do something you enjoy or keep yourself busy. Well, I know this will be something I would enjoy. I've noticed that when I want to do something I enjoy, it's expensive (I love to travel out of state).

Your husband might be being a little sensitive over the money thing because he's providing for your family right now. However it seems like you really have a desire to contribute to your family in a way other than cooking and cleaning. I say go for the bible camp! Girl if it makes you happy and will help you to figure out Gods plan for your life, do it. Direction is awesome! If I were in your shoes I would probably not take my kids but spend some quality time with your husband. Bringing another Deaf couple along could make it more fun. But also making new friends at the camp is probably not hard to do and you will probably be able to develop friendships easier, if you don't have the option of relying on another couple. If money is an issue try to find a bible camp in your own state that interests you. :) If not then try and to re-introduce the idea in a different way so it is even more appealing to your husband ;) Hope this helps!