Is Animal welcome to house of GOD?


New Member
Mar 13, 2003
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I have noticed that we have never took our dogs, cats, or any of our pet to church or any God meeting or God's house. How come? God created all of those animal and we haven't welcome them to his house.
Actually, the Catholic Church does welcome animals on few days, like Day of Saint Francis of Assissi (sp.), the patron saint of animals.
Interesting.. I have heard children asking their parents, where do animals go when they die?
Originally posted by BostonIceFire
Just like the movies.. Dog goes to Heaven (is that the title?)
All Dogs Go To Heaven... that's the title.
thats right vamp I love that movie and All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 thier soo cute and wonderful
Originally posted by vphreak
I have noticed that we have never took our dogs, cats, or any of our pet to church or any God meeting or God's house. How come? God created all of those animal and we haven't welcome them to his house.

yeah, I never thought about that. that is good point.

Welcome to Heaven newly deceased doggies.

Please don't bite GOD!

People are humans as living thing... Dog are animals as living thing so sure why not...
Yes I believe all cats and dogs go to other side whatever it called heaven .. even other animals too. also I believe they have soul like us since we took care of them as being part of family and in our life. I don t know if God created them but I think it is part of evolution for what I have learned abt evolution in books and musuems that seem making sense to me that is my opinion. Also i agreed with Kuifje75 which I have heard abt it and saw on the news that dogs or cats go to church too to have them blessed.
Long time ago, I was told by several ppl about animals have no soul at all. But iI sweared that I caught some white auras around few of my current pet and past cats. I sometime I caught various of colors for "aura" on humans and animals. Therefore both are souls. That's my belief.
When I was a young teenager, my foster mother used to take me to the church on Sunday mornings. The name of the church is "Jubilee!" The religion of the church is mixed religions.

On occasions, Jubilee! hosts a "Noah's Ark" at the church during the worship service. Church members bring their dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, snakes, and other household pets. Some even bring llamas, cows, horses, and other farm livestocks.

That was my favorite part of this church "Jubilee!"

I think my foster mother still goes to Jubilee! I'm currently a member of the Church of Christ. I plan to make a suggestion to the Deaf congregation about founding a "Noah's Ark" theme worship service for a special occasion.

Yes, I believe that animals do have souls. Humans have souls. According to the Bible, it was clear that no human body can survive without soul. Without souls, human bodies would be like "dead machines" laying around. Therefore, animals have souls.

I have heard some true ghost stories about animals. From time to time, although not often, I heard a loud bark in my bedroom that llasts only a few seconds. This happened only AFTER my 10-months-old Jack Russell Terrier mix, Juggles, got hit by a car and was killed in late October 2002. While Juggles was still alive, she used to stand on my bed and barked loudly at me while I was sitting front of my computer. Yes, it was the very same spot that I thought I heard loud, but short, barks after Juggles' death.
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Originally posted by WonderBum

Welcome to Heaven newly deceased doggies.

Please don't bite GOD!


:rofl: or god will have to wear pants instead of gown cuz dogs wud tend to look under his gown :mrgreen: