iPhone App for the deaf


New Member
Apr 8, 2007
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Hi everyone.

I might have some exciting news. Well at least the beginning of something that could be exciting and helpful.

Bare with me a moment while I explain the situation. I happen to be a magician and I meet another magician at a convention that happens to be an iPhone developer. He creates iPhone Applications. We got to talking and I shared an idea I had for an iPhone app for deaf people like me. The idea is an app that would turn an iPhone into a translator with Voice Recognition.

OF course we all know that this technology is already out there and being used for this purpose. But I'm talking about an app you can install in your iPhone and use it for this purpose. So for example if you call someone the call will be captioned for you so you can read it on your iPhone. It would also be used in real time conversation in person. So if you're talking to someone their speech is picked up on your iPhone and turned to text.

I also know that voice recognition technology isn't perfect yet. But the technology is improving all the time.

The text can then be translated into other language or feed to a braille display for the blind.

Now this is just something being looked into right now. Basically my friend who is a developer submitted the idea for the app in to his company and they have to ok it before he can really start to work on it. But the good news is that the process has at least started to get the ball rolling.

Now if this happens I'm sure there will a need for some beta testers. I'll let you all know what I find out about that.

Now the reason I'm posting this now is to ask you all if you have any suggestions or ideas for this to please share them. If they do pass this project and they start working on it. I'll forward your suggestions and ideas to them. So let me know what you think.

Like I said. I'm not promising anything on this yet. Just announcing that the project might happen and since we're the ones who will likely use something like this we'd be the best to know what we'd want from it.

Willing to beta test

If the translation is of a useable quality, I could seen buying the app for 19.95... defiantly willing to beta test... before investing a huge amount of money developing this I'd make sure that the APIs to do this are available from apple. I'm not sure apple lets anyone touch audio from a phone conversation.
Many voice recognition software make so many mistakes. I have never seen one that works even at the decent level as of yet .
Many voice recognition software make so many mistakes. I have never seen one that works even at the decent level as of yet .

What about Star Trek make perfect translator by sounds or words even hands to sign :shock::giggle:

Anything is possible
I thought WebCapTel used a voice recognition system, similar to the iphone app they're talking about above.
Sprint WebCapTel uses voice recognition, not an operator, but it runs on Sprint's server. :roll:

Incorrect ...

Sprint use a live human operator ... Read Sprint FAQ on WebCapTel ... Look at bold sentence below ...

Website link - https://www.sprintcaptel.com/faq.asp?tab=5&faq=6

Sprint WebCapTel is a web-based service that allows a person who can speak but has difficulty hearing over the phone to read word-for-word captions of their call on a web browser during the call, while at the same time hearing the other person using any telephone.

A WebCapTel user would make or receive calls while logged into a website (www.sprintcaptel.com) and hear the person on the other line using their own cell phone, desk phone, cordless phone, or even an amplified phone. The user (if they have any residual hearing) hears the person speaking through any telephone, not through the internet or web browser. During the call, captions appear on the user's web browser. Skilled human captioners are fully trained to caption your calls as quickly, accurately, and privately as possible. All calls are kept secure and confidential. Captions are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in English, and from 7am to 11pm Central Time, 7 days a week in Spanish.

Yes. Webcaptel (A great service by the way) uses voice recognition but not on it's own. The relay operator just uses it instead of typing but they still have to listen in and "create" the text that's sent to you. So it's just their "voice" making the text instead of their fingers.

This app, if it ever comes to be, is just a start. I'm sure some day it'll be very common when the voice recognition technology picks up. I'm just excited that it's even being looked into.

Hi everyone.

I might have some exciting news. Well at least the beginning of something that could be exciting and helpful.

Bare with me a moment while I explain the situation. I happen to be a magician and I meet another magician at a convention that happens to be an iPhone developer. He creates iPhone Applications. We got to talking and I shared an idea I had for an iPhone app for deaf people like me. The idea is an app that would turn an iPhone into a translator with Voice Recognition.

OF course we all know that this technology is already out there and being used for this purpose. But I'm talking about an app you can install in your iPhone and use it for this purpose. So for example if you call someone the call will be captioned for you so you can read it on your iPhone. It would also be used in real time conversation in person. So if you're talking to someone their speech is picked up on your iPhone and turned to text.

I also know that voice recognition technology isn't perfect yet. But the technology is improving all the time.

The text can then be translated into other language or feed to a braille display for the blind.

Now this is just something being looked into right now. Basically my friend who is a developer submitted the idea for the app in to his company and they have to ok it before he can really start to work on it. But the good news is that the process has at least started to get the ball rolling.

Now if this happens I'm sure there will a need for some beta testers. I'll let you all know what I find out about that.

Now the reason I'm posting this now is to ask you all if you have any suggestions or ideas for this to please share them. If they do pass this project and they start working on it. I'll forward your suggestions and ideas to them. So let me know what you think.

Like I said. I'm not promising anything on this yet. Just announcing that the project might happen and since we're the ones who will likely use something like this we'd be the best to know what we'd want from it.


Hi Ron. Sounds great to me. I don't understand why there's not an app that will transcribe voice calls at real time to allow deaf receivers to "read' the transcriptions and respond real time by voice. The tech can't be that difficult. Please keep me in the loop as regards any progress in this area. A good app would change my life for the better. Thanks.
