Introvert or Extrovert?

That wiki entry is a summary of the real thing, unless you want to go through a whole psychology book. This is standard human psychology level knowledge. They offer meyers-briggs testing at any local psychiatry/psychology clinic, and the results use the same entries, it's based on Jung's principles.

You don't need to go through a whole psychology book, but neither do you need to take subtests out of context and shorten the testing procedure and interpretation of that procedure. And you do need an understanding of what the various domains account for, which are generally misinterpreted by the general public.
oh no no silly - this test is just to confirm what you think what you are :lol:

The Myers Briggs determines personality preferences, and that is often quite different from what someone thinks they are or what they actually behave as. And it has high reliability and validity when used as it is supposed to be used. Unfortunately, the internet is not the way it is supposed to be adminisitered, lol.
In fact, social networking sites have been a thriving home for introverts in the 21st century, where introverts are free from the formalities of social conduct and may become more comfortable blogging about personal feelings they would not otherwise disclose.

I see. >_>
I'm very I and NTJ. I don't get along well with big S and P!! I hate to hang around with ESFP...arrrrggg!!

Dig it...

Basically the this type of test is more of absolute value, It just give you an idea of your personality. It just like when you go for a blood test and it give you a result, ex: O type or can be A type. This blood type give you an idea of what you have. I don't know if this is a great analogy but just give an idea.

Sometime it give me a better understanding of why I'm having difficult time interacting with other people especially my ex wife and we finally figure out why we are communicatiing so differently so if I'm INTJ and my ex wife is ESFP, there will be a problem for a relationship. That one example. Same way with blood type... AB don't go well with B type blood.

Just my opinion

Edited: It's ESFP (not ESFJ) talking about my ex wife