

New Member
Oct 11, 2011
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Hello, I'm Jo~Ann

I have been slowly losing my hearing since I was about 7. Well, seven was the first time they noticed it. Many times I have been introduced to the deaf community but never quite had the ability to accept it because I have been struggling with my original disability of Cerebral palsy. My life hasn't been easy but I never let that stop me from being who I really am, in spite of what others believed I should be.

I'm a successful Mother to an incredible Daughter who is just beginning her own life as an adult in college. I became a widow in 2006 when I lost my high school sweetheart of 15 years to a sudden aneurysm. Yet again that didn't completely stop me from doing what I needed to do. I moved to Ohio because I thought a friend of mine was a better friend than she turned out to be and it's not as expensive to live day to day.

Now that my Daughter has moved out and my friend turned out to not be such a good friend I am by myself in the middle of Amish country and no compass or aim of my own. For the first time in 20 years I don't know what to do with myself.

So I guess it's time to start living life for me now and I am hesitant but I think it's time to touch base with a side of myself I have avoided most of my life. Two weeks ago I picked up where I left off and began attempting to learn ASL. Not so easy by yourself lol.

I have no hearing in my left ear at all and in my right ear it's becoming tougher all the time to understand anyone if there is any kind of barrier or sounds. At times it can get frustrating identifying what a noise is I can feel. I avoid people if possible all the time even though I'm an outgoing kind of personality.

I'm at a crossroads and I am both excited to see what's ahead but scared I'm going to muffle it up before I get to see what's in store for me.

I hope to meet someone like me and make new friends. My friends Call me Jo btw... Thanks :wave:
Hi Jo, pleasure to meet you, I'm new myself, sorry you are losing your hearing, I will pray for you!
Come on in, put your feet up and enjoy a nice refreshing beverage with us! :D
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I do hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave: