

New Member
Jan 25, 2012
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Hi all, I am rather new here on AD, but figured i should introduce myself before too much more time has passed. I am a "hearie" who is learning to sign. I am taking classes at a local community college. I have always wanted to learn ASL but didnt see the point because I didnt anyone else who could communicate with me. Situations change, so now I am learning. I have been reading a lot about deaf culture and it was beginning to scare me. The thought that people would not want anything to do with me because I can hear....why, not my fault I was born this way? I mentioned this to my teacher who is HOH and her response was "So What!" Some will, some wont. Has no one ever disliked you because you were black? I had to laugh. This is a very real prejudice to me and I could care less if someone discounted me because of the color of my skin. Life is too short to worry over things you have no control over. So, I am going to keep on learning ASL. Maybe one day actually become fluent. I will talk with as many people as I can when appropriate. And those who dont want to talk to me, I will not worry about, we all have the right to be silent.
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